• X射线扫描发现隐藏的梵高自画像

    22-11-25 The face of Vincent Van Gogh emerges from the past. 文森特梵高的面容历经岁月,重见天日。 The portrait is hidden on the back of a painting held in Edinburgh. 这幅肖像画藏在现存于爱丁堡的一幅画作的背面。 It was discovered by X-ray at the National Gall...

  • 布什为其官方画像举行揭幕式

    12-06-01 Former President George W Bush was in good humour as he returned to the White House for the unveiling of his official portrait. 美国前总统乔治W布什返回白宫为他的官方画像举行揭幕仪式,期间他心情大好。 President Barack Obama welcomed his predecessor t...

  • 爱德华·马奈自画像2200万英镑成交

    10-06-23 A self portrait by French painter Edouard Manet has been sold for more than 22m - a record price for the artist's work. 法国画家爱德华马奈的一副自画像以2200万英镑的价格成交,刷新了该画家作品的最高成交记录。 The self portrait was painted in 1878 The...

  • 英王子兄弟肖像画曝光 尽显手足之情

    10-01-09 Young, handsome, regal, yet casual and relaxed. 年轻、英?⒂型跏抑???从植环λ嬉狻⒎潘傻母芯酢?Artist Nicky Philipps stands with her work, Prince William and Prince Harry: a new portrait by Nicky Philipps at the National Portrait gallery in centr...

  • I Want Her to go Nuts 我要让她发疯

    09-09-29 I Want Her to go Nuts Mrs. Flinders decided to have her portrait painted. She told the artist, Paint me with diamond earrings, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets and a ruby pendant. But you're not wearing any of those things. I know, said Mrs. Fl...

  • Warhol's Jackson goes to auction Warhol的杰克逊画像将被拍卖

    09-08-02 A portrait by Andy Warhol of the late singer Michael Jackson is set to be auctioned in New York. Andy Warhol之作--Michael Jackson的肖像将于纽约被拍卖。 The portrait was commissioned to celebrate Thriller's record sales The 1984 portrait will be on s...
