• tall poppy syndrome 高大罂粟花综合症

    22-10-12 近日,澳大利亚喜剧演员瑞贝尔威尔森(Rebel Wilson)在对她的诽谤案中胜诉。她起诉了几家知名的澳大利亚杂志出版商,因他们刊登文章指责她在年龄和背景信息上撒谎。在推特上,威尔森讽刺性地感谢澳大利亚黑幕媒体,称其为高大罂粟花综合症 / tall poppy syndrome。 澳...

  • tall poppy syndrome 高罂粟花综合征

    15-11-18 When you work hard, when that work is awarded, when your body and beauty match societal standards, when you check every box, and still everyone tells you you're doing it wrong, that's Anne Hathaway Syndrome. 当你辛勤工作,当你付出的努力获得了认可,...

  • 卡梅伦官方PS照片遭网民嘲笑

    15-11-06 David Cameron has been ridiculed online after Downing Street was caught photoshopping a fake over-sized poppy onto a picture of the Prime Minister and using it as an official Facebook picture. 人们发现英国首相戴维卡梅伦胸前佩戴罂粟花的一张照片里,那...

  • 科学家发现罂粟分泌吗啡的基因因素

    15-06-26 Scientists at the University of York and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Australia have made a key genetic discovery in poppies, paving the way for more effective painkillers. The discovery, published in the latest issue of Science, reveals the long sought af...
