• girls in blue 女警察

    21-06-18 girls in blue这个短语乍一看是穿蓝色衣服的女孩们,然而真实意思指女警察female police officers,这是由她们的警察制服延伸而来的表达,不要理解错了。 例句: I brought my daughter to the police station so she could meet some girls in blue. 我带女儿去了警局...

  • 美国弗洛伊德案宣判 肖万三项罪名均成立

    21-04-21 当地时间4月20日下午,经过近3周法庭审理,前白人警察德雷克肖万(Derek Chauvin)被控杀害非洲裔男子乔治弗洛伊德案在美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市宣判。 The jury swiftly and unanimously convicted Derek Chauvin of all the charges he faced second- and third-...

  • 可穿戴技术

    21-03-23 As the old saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. A tragic event in India the gang rape of a young woman led engineering students to develop a bra that can deliver a 3800kv electric shock to any would-be attacker. Manisha Mohan, from the...

  • 是真还是假?

    21-03-06 What would you do if you were told that the masterpiece you bought for 100,000 was actually a fake? Thats what happened to British businessman Martin Lang. He thought he was the proud owner of a painting by Marc Chagall, which he bought in 1992. But...

  • 德国设立“新冠监狱”

    21-02-04 德国新明斯特市近来设立了一座新冠监狱,强制关押那些拒绝遵守防疫规定的人。一些德国网友和政客批评此举侵犯人权,还在网上发起请愿活动,要求取缔这种设施。 A Covid jail has been opened in Germany for people who repeatedly break quarantine rules. 德国为屡次...

  • 流失英国25年的68件走私文物追索回国

    20-11-20 The cultural relics date from the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), encompassing a variety of items, mainly ceramics. They are from provinces including Jiangxi, Anhui, Fujian, Henan, Shaanxi, Hebei and Guizhou....

  • go through something with a fine-tooth comb 仔细检查,彻底搜

    20-11-09 表达 go through something with a fine-tooth comb 或 go over something with a fine-tooth comb(用细齿梳子仔细梳理某物) 的意思是 仔细检查、查看或彻底搜查某物。 这个表达来源于治疗虱子时,人们用间隙密集的细齿梳子 a fine-tooth comb 刮虱子的做法。 例句 L...

  • 中国民众安全感全球名列第三

    20-11-05 China ranked third in the latest global poll on peoples perceptions of their personal security by a pollster from the United States, indicating its residents have a high sense of security. 在美国民调机构一项对于个人安全感的最新全球民调中,中国名列第...

  • 盘点和毒品有关的那些词

    20-10-20 opium 鸦片 heroin 海洛因 morphia 吗啡 amphetamine 安非他明 pep pill 兴奋剂 MDMA 摇头丸 cocaine 可卡因 marijuana 大麻 ice (methamphetamine hydrochloride)冰毒 drug trafficker/dealer 毒贩 drug mules 毒骡(充当运输毒品工具的人) drug addiction 毒瘾 dr...

  • 美国男子咬海鸥被罚6300美元

    20-09-05 A McDonalds customer was arrested after he allegedly bit a seagull after it tried to steal his meal. The suspect reportedly attacked the bird in front of the authorities. 一位在麦当劳用餐的顾客被逮捕了,据说是因为海鸥想要偷吃他的食物,他把海鸥咬了。...