• 如何评价一部电影——剧情 plot

    22-05-11 the plot of the story 故事情节 The plot of the story is ingeniously conceived. 故事情节的构思相当巧妙。 The apparent simplicity of his plot is deceptive. 他的故事情节貌似简单,其实不然。 The plot is good but the characterization lets me down. 故事情...

  • complicated and confusing 扑朔迷离

    22-01-04 扑朔迷离,汉语成语,原指把兔子耳朵提起,雄兔会扑腾不停,雌兔会眯上眼睛,而在地上跑的时候雌雄难辨。后来形容事物错综复杂,不容易看清真相。可以翻译为complicated and confusing,或bewildering等。 例句: 扑朔迷离的故事情节 Complicated plot of a story 案情...

  • full-length trailer 全集预告片

    16-05-31 Fox released the first full-length trailer for the revival series yesterday and seeing the original gang back together again brought all the feels. Fox昨日(5月17日)发布了该剧回归版的全集预告片,看到原班人马悉数回归,当年追剧的感觉又回来了。 The ja...

  • 乌克兰挫败暗杀普京阴谋

    12-02-28 Ukrainian security services have thwarted a plot to kill Russian PM Vladimir Putin, Russian officials say. 俄罗斯警方称,乌克兰安保部门挫败了一个企图暗杀俄罗斯总理普京的阴谋。 Two suspects were detained in the Ukrainian port of Odessa, Russia's stat...

  • 伊朗领导人指责美国的阴谋行动

    10-03-22 Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has used a televised Iranian New Year address to accuse the US of plotting against the country. 伊朗最高领导人哈梅内伊在伊朗新年致辞上指责美国对伊朗的阴谋行动。 Ayatollah Khamenei criticised US support fo...

  • 土耳其两位退役将军遭“阴谋叛国”起诉

    10-02-27 Two retired Turkish generals have been charged over an alleged plot in 2003 to overthrow the government, reports say. 报道称,两位土耳其退役将军被起诉在2003年密谋推翻政府。 Tension has risen between the military and the ruling party Cetin Dogan, for...

  • 美国起诉尼日利亚籍飞机爆炸案嫌疑犯

    10-01-07 A US grand jury has indicted Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on six counts over an alleged plot to bomb a plane over Detroit on Christmas Day. 一个美国大陪审团控告尼日利亚人乌马霍鲁阿卜杜勒六项罪名,他曾密谋在圣诞节当日炸毁飞往底特律一架班机。 Um...

  • 奥巴马承诺将对飞机炸弹密谋者追捕到底

    09-12-29 President Barack Obama has pledged his administration will not rest until all those behind an alleged plot to bomb a US plane are brought to justice. 奥巴马总统承诺,在他执政期间,不会停止对密谋轰炸美国飞机的犯罪分子的追捕行动。 This image from an e...
