• 体育运动

    22-10-24 你喜欢什么样的体育运动?你对体育赛事了解多少?你对英语里的体育常用表达又知多少?《英语小测验》挑战你的体育知识。 1. The referee showed his red card and _________ the player who had committed the foul. a) sent off b) made off c) sent for d) made for...

  • polo neck 高领毛衣

    22-04-07 冬天了,时尚与保暖真的不可兼得吗?就是这么不可思议,保暖实用的高领毛衣(polo neck)居然成功逆袭,成为这个冬天炙手可热的时尚单品。让我们跟随《卫报》,来看看高领毛衣背后的故事。 The polo neck is the most bad-ass player in fashion right now. So wrong f...

  • 中美选手将跨国配对出战2021年休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛

    21-11-23 根据国际乒联消息,中国乒乓球协会联合美国乒乓球协会向国际乒联提交了允许中美混双配队参赛的申请。国际乒联执行委员会11月21日召开会议并批准了该请求。 Chinese and US players will team up in the mixed doubles competition at the 2021 Houston World Table Ten...

  • yyds—永远滴神

    21-06-03 90后已经听不懂00后讲话了。如今,yyds、xswl、zqsg、nbcs已经霸占各大网络平台!这些让大多数人摸不着头脑的网络用语,是00后(the generation after 00s)自成一派的语言体系,被调侃为00后黑话。 00后社交黑话的造词方式包括汉字缩写,拼音缩写,粤语、英语、日语缩...

  • 中国女足拿下东京奥运会参赛资格

    21-04-14 东京奥运会女足亚洲区预选赛(Asian Qualification playoffs for Tokyo 2020 Olympics)附加赛第二回合较量4月13日在苏州结束,中国队最终拿下东京奥运会参赛资格。 Chinese star player Wang Shuang contributed one goal and one assist as the Steel Roses came fro...

  • look up to someone 敬仰、敬重某人

    21-01-31 搭配 look up to someone 的意思是 尊重、敬仰某人。人们 look up to 的对象通常比自己年长或更有经验。 例句 Shes the best player and has just been made captain, so of course all the other players in the team look up to her. 她是最棒的运动员,而且刚刚被任...

  • 《棋魂》火到了日本

    20-12-21 To be honest, I have never felt so nervous when facing the camera. After all, this was the first time I played a leading role, Hu Xianxu told Jiemian news. 老实说,面对镜头,我从未感到如此紧张。毕竟,这是我第一次演主角,胡先煦在接受界面新闻采访时表...

  • 姚明当选亚洲篮协主席

    19-06-12 NBA legend, Chinese basketball player Yao Ming has been elected as president of Asian Basketball Confederation as part of a meeting of the ABC congress in Bangalore, India. 印度班加罗尔举行的亚洲篮球协会大会上,NBA传奇、中国球员姚明当选亚洲篮协主席...

  • 柯洁正式保送清华大学

    19-05-31 Ke Jie, the worlds number 1 Go player, has been enrolled at Chinas prestigious Tsinghua University. 世界头号围棋选手柯洁已正式被清华大学录...

  • 2019篮球名人堂公布入选名单

    19-04-08 The 2019 class for the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame was officially announced on Saturday in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 2019奈史密斯篮球名人堂周六在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市正式公布入选名单。 NBA stars Vlade Divac, Sidney Moncrief, and WNBA...