• 莫德里奇获FIFA金球奖

    18-12-04 Midfielder Luka Modric playing for Real Madrid opened a new chapter in the Ballon dOr (Golden Ball) history as he became the first Croatian to claim the best player award on Monday. 皇家马德里中场卢卡莫德里奇周一成为第一位获金球奖的克罗地亚人。 The...

  • 11岁少女成中国最年轻职业围棋选手

    18-09-14 An 11-year-old girl from Wuxi city in Chinas eastern Zhejiang province has made history by becoming the countrys youngest professional Go player. 浙江无锡一位11岁少女成为国内最年轻的职业围棋选手。 The QianJiang Evening NEWS reports that the 11-year-...

  • Adobe将于2020年底淘汰Flash插件

    17-08-04 Adobe Systems has said that it plans to phase out its Flash Player plug-in by the end of 2020. Adobe Systems公司表示,计划在2020年底前逐步淘汰Flash播放器插件。 The technology was once one of the most widely used ways for people to watch video clips...

  • 3位中国运动员入选ESPN百大运动员

    17-05-31 Chinese swimmer Ning Zetao, table tennis Olympic champion Ma Long and badminton star Lin Dan are among those included on this years World Fame 100 list compiled by US-based TV channel ESPN. 美国电视台ESPN公布2017年最出名的100名运动员,中国游泳选手宁...

  • 郎平将担任中国排球协会副主席

    17-05-19 Chinese volleyball legend Jenny Lang Ping will serve as vice president of the Chinese Volleyball Association (CVA), a senior official confirmed on Thursday. 中国排球界传奇人物郎平将担任中国排球协会副主席。 I am glad to confirm that Jenny will serve...

  • 丁俊晖获“亚洲杰出运动员奖”

    17-05-08 Chinas top snooker player Ding Junhui has been awarded with the Outstanding Achievement in Sports award in London, honoring Asian excellence. 中国顶级斯诺克选手丁俊晖在伦敦被授予亚洲杰出运动员奖。 The 30-year-old is regarded as the best player from...

  • 安迪·穆雷二度获得温网男单冠军

    16-07-11 British number one Andy Murray beat Canadian sixth seed Milos Raonic to win his second Wimbledon title in the mens singles final on Sunday. 周日举行的温网男单决赛中,英国一号种子选手安迪穆雷打败加拿大六号种子米洛斯拉奥历,获得人生第二个温网冠军。 Ce...

  • 若想留住好员工 避免以下八种做法

    16-05-14 They make a lot of stupid rules. Companies need to have rules -- thats a given -- but they dont have to be shortsighted and lazy attempts at creating order. Whether its an overzealous attendance policy or taking employees frequent flier miles, even...

  • 莎士比亚所用的时髦的“吐槽”方式

    16-04-18 1.Hermia calls Helena a painted maypole - presumably because she is tall, thin, and wears a lot of makeup in A Midsummer Nights Dream. 赫米娅称呼海伦娜为一个油漆过的五月柱大概是因为在《仲夏夜之梦》中,海伦娜又高又瘦,并且画着大浓妆。 2. Maria calls...

  • 7个脑筋急转弯 测试思维是否严密

    16-01-28 Convinced your common sense is pretty sound? You might want to put it to the test with a new quiz. 你对常识了解的够多吗?可以通过下面这个测验测一测。 Quiz master Tom Dunbar, from Plymouth, has devised a seven question test with trick answers that's...