• 地幔似乎对板块构造有驱使作用

    16-07-29 Deep down below us is a tug of war moving at less than the speed of growing fingernails. Keeping your balance is not a concern, but how the movement happens has been debated among geologists. New findings from under the Pacific Northwest Coast by Un...

  • ice pancakes 冰雪薄饼

    16-03-30 Unusual ice pancakes normally only found in the Arctic and Antarctic have been spotted in Britain, as temperatures plunged to -11C with almost the whole country in the grip of icy weather. 英国大部分地区遭遇极寒天气,最低气温降至零下11度,出现了只在...

  • 各国餐桌礼仪大盘点 上

    16-01-16 Britain Always: Eat with your fork in your left hand and knife in your right. Never: Speak with your mouth full. Denmark Always: Place your fork downwards on a plate if you want seconds. Never: Take the last item on any given plate. You must continu...

  • 扣槃扪烛

    15-08-07 In the past, a man was born blind. He had never seen the sun, so of course he had no idea what the sun looked like. But he would like very much to know the shape of the sun, so he asked people with good eyes. Someone told him: The sun is like a copp...

  • Why Does the Dog Watch Me Eat? 那狗为什么看着我吃?

    15-06-04 Guest: Why does your dog sit there and watch me eat? Hotel Host: I can't imagine, unless it's because you have the plate he usually eats from. 客人:你的狗为什么坐在那儿看着我吃饭? 旅馆老板:我想不出,除非是因为你用的是它平时吃饭的盘子。...

  • 转动盘子换个方向 可能会让食物更好吃

    15-05-20 Rotating your plate as it is placed on the table may improve the taste of your food, psychologists claim. 心理学家称,食物摆上桌后,转动盘子,换一个方向,可能会让食物更好吃。 People have a subconscious preference for food that points away from them,...

  • 地球构造板块冷却时会横向形变

    14-11-06 The puzzle pieces of tectonic plates that make up the outer layer of earth are not rigid and don't fit together as nicely as we were taught in high school. A study published in the journal Geology by Corn Kreemer, an associate professor at the Unive...

  • 热菜牛肉类英文译名5

    13-08-28 铁板串烧牛肉 Beef Kebabs Served on Sizzling Iron Plate 铁板木瓜牛仔骨 Calf Ribs with Papaya Served on Sizzling Iron Plate 铁板牛肉 Beef Steak Served on Sizzling Iron Plate 铁锅牛柳 Beef Fillet Braised in Iron Wok 土豆炒牛柳条 Sauted Beef Tenderloin...

  • 地幔运动同样面临拥堵状况

    13-04-02 Earth is dynamic. What we perceive as solid ground beneath our feet, is in reality constantly changing. In the space of a year Africa and America are drifting apart at the back of the Middle Atlantic for some centimeters while the floor of the Pacif...

  • Whose plate it is 谁的盘子

    13-01-31 Guest: Why does your dog sit there and watch me eat? Hotel Host: I can't imagine, unless it's because you have the plate he usually eats from. 客人:为什么你的狗狗坐在那儿老是看着我吃东西呢? 旅馆主人:我不敢想象,除非是因为你拿了它经常用来吃东西的...