• 英国将禁用塑料吸管

    18-10-24 Plans to ban the distribution and sale of plastic drinking straws, drinks stirrers and cotton buds were laid out Monday by the British government. 本周一,英国政府推出禁止配销塑料吸管、饮料搅拌器和塑料棉签的计划。 Environment Secretary Michael Gove...

  • 2025年前克罗格将改用环保袋

    18-08-24 The Kroger Company announced Thursday that it will stop using single-use plastic bags and fully transition to reusable bags in seven years. 克罗格公司周四宣布,七年之内将停止使用一次性塑料袋,改用环保袋。 We are phasing out use-once, throw-it-away p...

  • 荷兰公司启用海洋塑料清理机

    18-04-29 Scientists are preparing to launch the worlds first machine to clean up the planets largest mass of ocean plastic. 科学家们正准备率先使用机器清理地球上最大海洋塑料垃圾堆。 The system, originally dreamed up by a teenager, will be shipped out this sum...

  • Topshop推出一款透明塑料牛仔裤

    17-05-23 Jeans are usually synonymous with denim, but British fashion company Topshop seems to think plastic works too. Its 100% polyurethane see-through jeans went on sale last month for a whopping $100, and got some not so-positive reactions online. 牛仔裤...

  • 蜡螟能生物降解最难分解和最常使用的塑料:聚乙烯

    17-05-06 A caterpillar that munches on plastic bags could hold the key to tackling plastic pollution, scientists say. 科学家们称,一种吃塑料袋的毛虫或可成为解决塑料污染的关键。 Researchers at Cambridge University have discovered that the larvae of the moth,...

  • 科学家拍到浮游生物吞食塑料纤维

    17-03-16 A scientist has filmed the moment plastic microfibre is ingested by plankton, illustrating how the material is affecting life beneath the waves. 一位科学家拍到了浮游生物吞食塑料微细纤维的画面,说明塑料如何影响海洋里的生物。 The footage shows one way...

  • 印度企业制出百分百降解可食用“塑料袋”

    16-12-26 In an effort to combat plastic pollution, Indian startup EnviGreen has come up with a combination of natural starch and vegetable oils that looks and feels just like plastic, but is 100 percent organic, biodegradable and eco-friendly. You can even d...

  • surgiholic 整形狂人

    16-12-11 Surgiholic is a person who seeks plastic surgery, from head to toe, and is never satisfied. 整形狂人指的是总爱做整形手术的人,从头到脚都要做,而且从不满足。 Some are patients Sevinor dubs surgiholics, who start at the top, work their way down, and r...

  • 将塑料垃圾变为液体燃料的新方法

    16-06-22 A new way of recycling millions of tons of plastic garbage into liquid fuel has been devised by researchers from the University of California, Irvine and the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC) in China. Synthetic plastics are a fundament...

  • 水果超市常用词

    16-02-14 water melon 西瓜 plastic bags 塑料袋 mandarin orange 橘子 kiwi fruit 奇异果 sugar cane 甘蔗 peach 桃子 grapes 葡萄 honeydew melon 甜瓜 basket 篮子 papaya 木瓜 guava 番石榴 lime 青柠 lemon 柠檬 star fruit 杨桃 seeds 种子 nectarine 油桃 scale 秤 grape...