• 子宫内膜癌的有效抑制因子将问世

    10-02-09 Endometrial cancer(子宫内膜癌) is the most common cancer of the female reproductive tract(生殖系统) , representing 6% of all cancers. There is currently no screening method or biomarker(生物标记) to indicate early presence of disease. It is a...

  • 丹麦科学家在预防遗传性疟疾的研究中取得重大突破

    10-02-05 Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have become the first in the world to synthesize合成,综合 the entire protein that is responsible for life-threatening malaria疟疾,瘴气 in pregnant women and their unborn children. The protein known as VA...

  • Mother can pass on cancer in womb 研究:母亲可通过子宫遗传癌

    09-10-13 Scientists have proved that it is possible for a mother's cancer cells to be passed to her unborn child. 科学家已经证实,母亲的癌细胞传染给位出生的婴儿是有可能的。 Leukaemia cells crossed across the placenta There are very rare cases where a mother...

  • Equation 'to spot small placenta' 胎盘大小计量公式出现

    09-08-10 A measurement to spot small placentas could act as an early warning system and potentially stop babies dying in the womb, a study suggests. 研究显示,对于小胎盘的测量可以作为早期的预警系统并可以无形中防止胎儿死于子宫中。 The placenta supplies the fo...
