• to have your heart in the right place 好心好意,心地善良

    21-12-14 To have your heart in the right place 这个短语的书面意思是心在正确的地方,实际上它常用来描述一个心地善良的人出于好意去帮助别人,但可能因为帮了倒忙而使他人不高兴或不领情。 例句 My mum always tidies up my house when she comes to visit. I know her hear...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 3

    21-11-29 Every morning now brought its regular dutiesshops were to be visited; some new part of the town to be looked at; and the pump-room to be attended, where they paraded up and down for an hour, looking at everybody and speaking to no one. The wish of a...

  • to flip out 受到震惊而失控暴怒

    21-08-09 短语 to flip out 的意思是受到震惊而失控暴怒。 例句 When Kate heard that she hadnt got a place at her first choice of university she really flipped out and started shouting and screaming. The flight was cancelled and lots of passengers started flippi...

  • put oneself in somebody's shoes 换位思考

    21-07-20 表达 to put oneself in somebodys shoes 的意思是站在他人的角度或立场考虑问题,也就是换位思考。 这里的 shoes 也可以用 place 或者 position来替代。To put yourself in my shoes、to put yourself in my place 或 to put yourself in my position 这三个说法的意...

  • heebie-jeebies 紧张焦虑,烦躁不安

    21-07-06 表达heebie-jeebies表示因恐惧而感觉紧张焦虑或烦躁不安。Heebie和jeebies这两个词单独使用并没有任何含义。据说这个表达源于20世纪初的美国,通过报纸媒体的传播很快成为时尚用语,几年后便流传到了英国,被这里的人广泛使用。 例句 This place gives me the heebie-j...

  • a home from home 像家一样令人自在的地方

    21-06-24 表达 a home from home 用来表示 一个让你非常舒适自在的地方,在这里可以感受到像在自己家里时那样的安逸。 例句 Im really grateful that you gave me a place to stay. Youve made me feel really welcome its been like a home from home. 实在太感激你给了我一个...

  • have a deep longing for 心弛神往

    21-06-22 心弛神往,汉语成语,形容思想集中在追求和向往的事情或地方上,一心向往,可以翻译为ones thoughts fly to (a place/person),have a deep longing for等。 例句: 我对这座美丽的城市一直心驰神往。 This beautiful city is always a wonderland to me. 这就是我心驰...

  • live up to one's reputation 名不虚传

    21-05-25 名不虚传,汉语成语,意思是传出的名声与实际相符合,不是虚假的;确实很好,不是空有虚名。可以翻译为deserve the reputation one enjoys,live up to ones reputation或have a well-deserved reputation。 例句: 杭州织锦名不虚传。 The brocade of Hangzhou well d...

  • place in the sun 好境遇

    21-05-22 和亲朋好友去公园野餐或者去海滩度假是英国人典型的夏日休闲方式。不过,每遇到阳光明媚的日子,出门野餐和海边休假的人会非常多。如果能在阳光充足的绿地或沙滩上抢到一席之地,可以说是非常幸运的。所以,我们用表达 a place in the sun 阳光照耀之地 来指 令人羡慕...

  • a happy place 快乐之地,乐园

    21-05-18 人们常用 a happy place(一个快乐的地方) 来描述 一个熟悉的地点、活动或一段记忆,它能使某人感到放松、开心或忘掉烦心事。你也可以用 someones happy place 来具体说明 让某人感到快乐的地方,某人的乐园。 例句 When Im stressed, I often go to my happy place a...