• in the pipeline 筹划中,进行中

    22-03-30 如果一件事情是 in the pipeline,意思就是 正在筹划中,可能很快就会发生。 例句 The travel agency has several new routes in the pipeline which they hope to launch before the summer holidays. 这家旅行社正在筹备几条新的旅游线路,希望能在暑假前开通。 The...

  • 中俄天然气水下隧道已完工验收

    19-03-29 Construction of two underwater tunnels for the China-Russia east-route natural gas pipeline has been completed and passed acceptance checks, constructors said. 中-俄东线天然气管道两条水底隧道已经完工并通过检查验收。 The two tunnels, each 1,139 meter...

  • 比利时开通世界上第一条啤酒管道

    16-10-05 A beer pipeline. It sounds like an ale lovers wildest dream. 啤酒管道。听上去像是酒鬼们最狂野的梦想。 Its no longer a fantasy in the Belgian city of Bruges, where the worlds first beer pipeline opened last week. The two-mile pipe connects the Halve...

  • 华盛顿地下天然气管道发现5893多处泄露

    14-01-18 More than 5,893 leaks from aging natural gas pipelines have been found under the streets of Washington, D.C. by a research team from Duke University and Boston University. A dozen of the leaks could have posed explosion risks, the researchers said....

  • 普京开启北溪天然气德国传输管线

    11-09-07 Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has pressed the start button to open a pipeline carrying natural gas directly to Germany under the Baltic Sea. 俄罗斯总理普京摁下了途径波罗的海海底直达德国的天然气管道开始按钮。 He said the Nord Stream pipeline...

  • 壳牌石油在尼日利亚的石油管线遭破坏

    10-02-01 Royal Dutch Shell has shut three oil flow stations in Nigeria's Niger Delta region after a pipeline was sabotaged, a company spokeswoman has said. 荷兰皇家壳牌公司女发言人称,壳牌公司在尼日利亚尼日尔三角洲地区的一条输油管线被破坏,该公司因此关闭三座...

  • 中国主席胡锦涛揭幕哈萨克天然气管道工程

    09-12-14 Chinese President Hu Jintao has unveiled the Kazakh section of a 7,000km (4,300 miles) natural gas pipeline joining Central Asia to China. 中国国家主席胡锦涛揭幕长达7000公里的、连接中亚至中国的天然气管道的哈萨克斯坦部分。 China and Kazakhstan see th...
