• phantom ringing 手机响动幻觉

    20-12-26 在厨房做饭时老觉得客厅的手机在响,跑过去一看,发现手机根本没响动。这种情况你经历过吗?在英语里,这种情况叫phantom ringing,要是走路时老觉得手机在震动,那就是phantom vibration syndrome。 Phantom vibration syndrome or phantom ringing is the sensation...

  • phantom offer 幽灵出价

    16-08-10 Phantom offer is a nonexistent offer to purchase a house, used to coerce people making real offers into raising their prices. 幽灵出价指的是购房时并不存在的买方出价,目的是迫使人们做出真实出价,抬高房价。 Your below-asking-price offer has been accep...

  • 大疆发布新款无人机Phantom 4

    16-03-03 Chinese tech company DJI-Innovations has launched its latest drone - the Phantom 4 - in New York. 中国科技公司大疆创新在纽约发布其最新款无人机Phantom 4。 The 1.5-kilogram drone is equipped with two sensors in the front, which enable it to track set...

  • phantom spring 暖潮

    13-11-12 Phantom spring refers to exceptionally warm fall or winter weather that causes plants or animals to act as though spring has arrived. 暖潮指的是秋冬出现的异常温暖的天气,使得植物或动物的表现好像春天到来了一样。 It's called a phantom spring where the...
