• wear perfume 擦香水

    22-03-01 擦香水用英语怎么说呢?你会不会用spread perfume呢?其实地道的搭配应该是wear perfume。我们都知道西方人,无论男人和女人,都喜欢擦香水,他们甚至把香水视为衣服的一部分,所以用wear也不难理解了吧? 好莱坞传奇女影星玛丽莲梦露曾为经典的香奈儿5号香水说过一句...

  • 夏日香水推荐

    21-06-09 Escentric Molecules M+ Molecule 01 + Iris 古怪分子 Molecule 01 + Iris The most famous scent has been updated with a dash of iris, which adds a powdery quality to the light woody notes. 这款大名鼎鼎的香水新加入了少许鸢尾,给这款淡木质香调加入了粉质香...

  • 新型无味香水让人散发独特味道

    17-02-13 On the face of it, scentless cologne might seem pointless. If its not going to spritz you with enticing-smelling scent, whats the point? 乍看起来,无味香水可能毫无意义。如果洒上香水却不能让你拥有诱人的香味,意义何在? And yet one perfume company is...

  • 专家:香水应该喷在肚脐眼上

    16-11-22 Wearing perfume is part of the daily routine for many women. Depending on the scent it helps you feel sexy, or fresh, and prepared for the day. 喷香水是许多女性日常生活中的一部分,不同香气的香水可以让你在这一天里变换不同的角色,可妖娆性感亦或清新可...

  • 普京主题香水畅销莫斯科

    16-01-02 Leaders Number One, a perfume inspired by Putin, went on sale in Moscow, just in time for Russians to pick them up as presents ahead of New Year. 领导人1号是一款普京主题香水,近日开始在莫斯科销售。俄罗斯人刚好可以买来作为给家人的新年礼物。 The perfu...

  • perfume profiling 香水配对

    15-12-28 A service increasingly popular with boutiques, perfume profiling is designed to help clients discover the right fragrance for them. 香水配对是精品店里日益红火的一项服务,旨在帮助客人发现合适的香水。 Corny as it sounds, finding the right scent can be...

  • 科学家研制可以分解汗水的香水

    15-04-07 Scientists have created a perfume that breaks down sweat and actually smells better the more someone perspires. 科学家已经研制出了一种香水,它可以分解汗水。人们出汗越多,香水越好闻。 The discovery paves the way for a deodorant that becomes more powe...

  • 英慈善机构推出限量版咖啡味香水

    13-09-18 英国慈善机构麦克米兰癌症援助近日推出了三款限量版咖啡味香水,希望在9月27日的筹款活动中吸引众多咖啡爱好者购买。此次推出的三款香水分别为Coffeelicious(咖啡香)、Macpresso(浓缩咖啡香),以及Mochamorning(摩卡清晨)。 Would you wear a perfume inspired b...

  • 荷兰艺术家研制香水胶囊

    11-10-29 荷兰艺术家露西麦克雷正在跟研究人员一起研发一种可吞食的香水,人们服下装有香水的特制胶囊后,香气就会随着汗液排出,使浑身散发香味。目前,这种可吞食香水仍处于研发阶段,具体上市时间尚不明确。 Those sweat stains could be the equivalent to a spritz(喷洒)...

  • Something really cheap 真正便宜的东西

    09-11-07 Something Really Cheap After being away on business, Tim thought it would be nice to bring his wife a little gift. How about some perfume?he asked the cosmetics clerk. She showed him a $50.00 bottle. Thats a bit much,said Tim, so she returned with...
