• 田父献曝

    14-12-03 A peasant in the state of Song led an extremely hard life for he was destitute, depending on worn sackcloth to defense the chill of winter. After the spring arrived, the peasant ploughed in the field. When he got tired and rested on the ridge of the...

  • Two Peasants 两个农夫

    14-08-19 Once upon a time two peasants attempted to pass each other, and their sledges became entangled. One cried, Give me room, I must get to town as quickly as possible. The other said, You give me room, I must get home as quickly as possible. Thus for a...

  • The Good Bargain

    14-02-24 There was once a peasant who had driven his cow to the fair, and sold her for seven thalers. On the way home he had to pass a pond, and already from afar he heard the frogs crying, Aik, aik, aik, aik. Well, said he to himself, they are talking witho...