• Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 18

    21-01-24 THREE months later the war seemed drawing toward an end, and Christie was dreaming happy dreams of home and rest with David, when, as she sat one day writing a letter full of good news to the wife of a patient, a telegram was handed to her, and tear...

  • admission and survival rates 收治率和治愈率

    20-02-11 中央应对新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情工作领导小组2月4日召开会议,部署提高湖北省武汉市新型冠状病毒感染患者收治率和治愈率、降低感染率和病死率的措施。会议还提出,要进一步做好医疗资源和生活物资保障供应。 Chinese authorities on Tuesday deployed further measur...

  • verbicaine 话语可卡因

    17-09-26 Verbicaine refers to soothing words used to calm or distract a patient who is awake during a surgical procedure. 话语可卡因指的是在外科手术过程中,用来安抚病人或者让病人转移注意力的使人宽心的话语。 Many patients are anxious about anticipated procedu...

  • 科学家发现一种新型干细胞

    16-03-07 Scientists at Michigan State University have discovered a new kind of stem cell, one that could lead to advances in regenerative medicine as well as offer new ways to study birth defects and other reproductive problems. In the current issue of the j...

  • 研究:医生更有机会如愿安然离世

    16-02-23 Doctors are less likely to die in hospital, have surgery or be admitted to intensive care, than the general public, new research has revealed. 一项新研究表明,比起普罗大众,医生死于医院、接受手术,或接受重症监护的几率更低。 While most people report...

  • 中国发现第二例传入性寨卡病毒病例

    16-02-16 A second imported case of the Zika virus has been confirmed in China. 中国第二例传入性寨卡病毒已被确诊。 The 28-year-old patient was red-flagged at the Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou on Friday after arriving with a high fever. Authorities...

  • 越南出现埃博拉病毒疑似病例

    16-02-14 A 27-year-old man was quarantined at a hospital in Ho Chi Minh City after coming back from Africa with Ebola symptoms, local media reported on Sunday. 胡志明市当地媒体周日报道,一位从非洲回国的27岁男子因出现埃博拉病毒症状而被隔离。 The man from cent...

  • Twenty Four Little Hours

    16-01-07 A doctor walks into the room and tells his patient, I have some bad news and some very bad news. The patient, resigned to his fate, says, Well, might as well give me the bad news first. The lab called with your test results, the doctor began. Unfort...

  • 深圳一名H5N6禽流感病人死亡

    16-01-05 A patient suffering from the H5N6 strain of avian flu died in Shenzhen City in south China's Guangdong Province, local authorities said. 中国广东省地方政府表示,深圳市一名感染H5N6型禽流感的病人已死亡。 The patient, a 26-year-old woman, died on Dec....

  • A Hernia Operation

    15-10-21 One doctor operated on a person for a hernia. He opened his testis and took the balls out and kept it on the table. At the end of the operation he wanted to put his balls back into the pouch of testis. He searched operation theatre but could not fin...