• 黑死病基因组定序成功

    11-10-13 An international team -- led by researchers at McMaster University and the University of Tubingen in Germany -- has sequenced the entire genome of the Black Death, one of the most devastating epidemics in human history. This marks the first time sci...

  • 某种危害树木的病菌源自美国加州

    11-09-04 Genetic detective work by an international group of researchers may have solved a decades-long mystery of the source of a devastating tree-killing fungus(真菌) that has hit six of the world's seven continents. In a study published Sept. 1 in the p...

  • 污水处理可降低其病原体含量

    11-01-04 A recent study by a team of researchers at the University of Arizona has tracked the incident of pathogens in biosolids(有机污泥) over a 19 year period in one major U.S. city. In the same study, the researchers also analyzed pathogen levels in bio...

  • 油橄榄癌肿致病菌基因组定序完成

    10-06-02 Researchers at the Public University of Navarra, the Polytechnic University of Madrid (CBGP), the University of Malaga, the University of Wisconsin and the Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research have managed to sequence the genome of the bacte...

  • 基因筛选有助致病菌的甄别

    09-11-27 Whitehead researchers have developed a new type of genetic screen for human cells to pinpoint specific genes and proteins used by pathogens(病原体), according to their paper in Science. In most human cell cultures genes are present in two copies:...
