• 宇宙奥秘:大型强子对撞机能否解开暗物质之谜?

    22-07-22 Dr Clara Nellist, Particle Physicist, Cern We cant see it. We dont know what it is. 克莱拉奈莉丝特博士 欧洲核子研究组织(Cern)粒子物理学家 我们看不见它,也不知其为何物。 Dark matter is one of the unsolved mysteries of the Universe. 暗物质是宇宙中尚...

  • 大型强子对撞机实验结果或改变宇宙认知

    21-04-09 The Large Hadron Collider was built to discover brand new particles and transform our understanding of physics. 建造大型强子对撞机是为了探索全新的粒子,并改变我们对物理学的认知。 By crashing particles together harder than theyd been smashed before t...

  • 水下望远镜探索宇宙奥秘

    21-03-25 This is the worlds biggest underwater telescope plunging into the worlds deepest waters to discover some of the tiniest particles known to man. 这是世界上最大的水下望远镜,潜入世界上最深的水域,探索人类已知的最小微粒。 This massive space telescope i...

  • 荷兰人制造巨型户外真空吸尘器

    16-11-05 Dutch inventors have unveiled what they called the worlds first giant outside air vacuum cleaner a large purifying system intended to filter out toxic tiny particles from the atmosphere surrounding the machine. 荷兰发明者公布了他们所谓的世界上第一台...

  • 量子世界与传统世界

    16-08-03 In the quantum world, physicists study the tiny particles that make up our classical world - neutrons, electrons, photons - either one at a time or in small numbers because the behaviour of the particles is completely different on such a small scale...

  • 近太空中的暗物质与粒子加速

    15-11-19 Peering into darkness can strike fear into the hearts of some, but a new space telescope will soon peer into the darkness of near space (within a few thousand light years of Earth). Scientists are using the telescope to seek answers related to the f...

  • 罕见禁闭夸克态的存在已被证实

    15-07-16 Physicists in Syracuse University's College of Arts and Sciences have confirmed the existence of two rare pentaquark states. Their discovery, which has taken place at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland, is said to have major...

  • 微粒空气污染影响心脏健康

    10-05-20 Breathing polluted air increases stress on the heart's regulation capacity, up to six hours after inhalation(吸入) of combustion-related small particles called PM2.5, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. Stress on the heart fro...
