• 我国正式设立第一批国家公园

    21-10-13 10月12日,我国正式设立三江源、大熊猫、东北虎豹、海南热带雨林、武夷山等第一批国家公园。 The protected land area of the national parks is 230,000 square kilometers and they cover nearly 30 percent of the key terrestrial wildlife species found in China...

  • 中国将加快国家公园试点项目

    19-01-14 China will push forward the construction of pilot national parks and draw a general plan for the development of national parks this year, according to the countrys forestry authorities. 2019年中国将推动试点国家公园的建设,为国家公园的发展指定一个总...

  • 美国联邦政府“关门”公园管理严重不足

    19-01-03 Human feces, overflowing garbage, illegal off-roading and other damaging behavior in fragile areas were beginning to overwhelm some of the Wests iconic national parks, as a partial government shutdown left the areas open to visitors but with little...

  • 中国建立首个国家公园研究机构

    18-09-18 China has established a research institute for national parks in the city of Xining, the capital of northwestern Qinghai Province. 中国在青海西宁建立了一座国家公园研究机构。 The institute, believed to be the countrys first of the kind, will focus it...

  • 奥巴马讲话 庆贺国家公园管理局设立100周年

    17-01-03 Hi everybody. Earlier this summer, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I headed west -- to the national parks at Carlsbad Caverns and Yosemite. And Ive got to say, it was a breath of fresh air. We explored hundreds of feet underground, standing beneath dripp...

  • forest tourism 森林旅游

    15-09-09 The 2015 China Forest Tour Festival will be held in Wuhan, Hubei province in October, the State Forestry Administration said on August 26. 8月26日,国家林业局表示,2015中国森林旅游节将于10月在湖北武汉举行。 The festival is set to boost the growth of...

  • 贫穷与国家公园之间的奇怪联系

    11-08-23 If so many poor people live around national parks in developing countries, does that mean that these parks are contributing to their poverty? Yes, according to the conventional wisdom, but no, according to a 10-year study of people living around Kib...

  • 乌干达野生动物数量激增

    10-09-26 The number of animals in Uganda's national parks and game reserves has soared over the past decade, the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) says. 乌干达野生动物协会称,乌干达国家公园和野生动物保护区中的动物数量在过去的十年中猛涨。 The zebra is one of th...
