• 曾经风靡一时的8种牛仔裤潮流都是怎么兴起的

    21-01-05 1. ACID WASH 酸洗牛仔裤 The acid washing process has its roots in 1960s surf culture. According to CRFashionBook, the trend really took off in the 1980s, after Guess released the first pair of pre-washed bleach-splattered jeans. 2. MOM JEANS 老妈牛...

  • Topshop推出一款透明塑料牛仔裤

    17-05-23 Jeans are usually synonymous with denim, but British fashion company Topshop seems to think plastic works too. Its 100% polyurethane see-through jeans went on sale last month for a whopping $100, and got some not so-positive reactions online. 牛仔裤...

  • 脏范儿潮品“泥巴牛仔裤”引发争议

    17-05-07 Well, anyone who has ever felt exasperated at the sight of jeans manufactured with holes is about to have a full-on conniption. Nordstrom has seen the mid-aughts trend and raised it some, selling a pair of jeans that come dirty. Yep, these jeans,are...

  • Jack And Jill Went Up The Hill

    17-04-12 Jack was going to be married to Jill, so his father sat him down for a little fireside chat..... He said, Jack, let me tell you something. On my wedding night in our honeymoon suite, I took off my pants and handed them to your mother, and said, Here...

  • 德国公司推出防性侵女士内裤

    17-01-25 A German company recently sparked controversy after launching a line of womens underwear that it claims can protect the wearer against sexual assault. Called Safe Shorts the underpants are made of a slash and tearing-resistant fabric and feature a c...

  • 裤装词汇

    16-10-12 leggings 紧身裤(打底裤) hot pants 超短裤(热裤) loose pants 阔腿裤 knickerbockers 灯笼裤 bootcut jeans 微喇牛仔裤 skinny jeans/jeggings 紧身牛仔裤 wide leg jeans 宽腿牛仔裤 straight leg jeans 直筒牛仔裤 crop jeans 7分或9分裤 shorts 短裤...

  • 衣橱常用词

    16-02-14 blazer 小西装 suspenders 吊裤带 suit 套装 tie 领带 pants 裤子 vest 背心 raincoat 雨衣 blouse 女士衬衣 scarf 围巾 purse 女手提袋 skirt 短裙子 coat 大衣 hanger 衣架 dress 连衣裙 T-shirt T恤 Tank top 运动背心 shorts 短裤 socks 袜子 belt 皮带 jeans 牛仔...

  • 歪果仁真会玩:冷冻裤

    16-01-30 Residents suffering through the brutal winters of Minnesota are finding interesting ways to entertain themselves. 近日,暴风雪席卷了美国明尼苏达州,当地居民在饱受严寒之苦时,还不忘自娱自乐。 With winter comes plenty of new activities like sledding,...

  • 美国田纳西州四名高中生因穿沙基裤入狱

    15-12-21 Four Tennessee high school students have been charged with indecent exposure in recent weeks, and two of them jailed for it -- all because they wore sagging pants. 最近几周,田纳西州的四名高中生遭到起诉,因为穿着不当、过于暴露,其中两人锒铛入狱,皆...

  • 瑜伽裤休闲风越来越有市场

    15-10-18 Teens are now buying more gear from Nike and Lululemon over denim classics from brands like Abercrombie, according to a recent Piper Jaffray survey on teen spending. 美国投行派杰近日关于青少年花销的一项调查显示,如今年轻人更愿意购买耐克或露露柠檬的...