• 美国田纳西州将把旅美大熊猫丫丫和乐乐归还中国

    22-12-26 美国田纳西州孟菲斯动物园当地时间12月21日宣布,将把旅美大熊猫丫丫和乐乐归还中国,结束20年的租借期。 A pair of giant pandas will return to China after two decades at the Memphis Zoo in Memphis, the US state of Tennessee, as the zoos current giant pand...

  • 美国史密森尼国家动物园庆祝大熊猫抵美50周年

    22-03-22 位于美国华盛顿的史密森尼国家动物园宣布,从3月16日起至8月27日,该园将举办丰富多彩的系列活动,隆重庆祝大熊猫抵美50周年。 The Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington kicked off a six-month celebration on Wednesday of the 50th anniversary of the arrival...

  • “冰墩墩”被买断货说明知识产权保护成效显著

    22-02-17 冰墩墩被买断货,从一个侧面反映出北京冬奥会的成功,也说明北京冬奥会在知识产权保护上成效显著。 Since the Beijing Winter Olympics kicked off on Feb 4, the cuddly Games mascot-a panda enveloped in an ice crystal shell-has become a favorite with compet...

  • 四川试运行“熊猫专列”

    21-03-25 3月24日,我国首趟以大熊猫为主题的旅游列车熊猫专列在四川开行体验班次。 Chinas first panda-themed tourist train left Chengdu Railway Station on Wednesday for the Emei Station along the Chengdu Kunming Railway on a trial run. 3月24日,我国首趟熊猫主题...

  • 旅美大熊猫美香疑似怀孕

    20-08-26 Mei Xiang, a 22-year-old giant panda who came to the United States in 2000, could deliver a cub-or cubs-in the next few days, the Smithsonians National Zoo in Washington has announced, after imaging revealed what appeared to be a fetus. 位于华盛顿...