• 《红罂粟花与花瓶》被证实为梵高作品

    19-03-23 A painting at a Connecticut museum that has long been thought to be by Vincent Van Gogh has been authenticated as such by Dutch researchers. 康涅狄格州一家博物馆有一幅油画长久以来被认为是梵高的作品,这一说法得到荷兰研究人员的验证。 The Wadsworth Ath...

  • 《清明上河图》在故宫展出

    15-09-09 Along the River during the Qingming Festival, one of the masterpieces of Chinese classical painting, is now being displayed at the Palace Museum or the Forbidden city to mark the 90th Anniversary since establishment. 中国古典绘画代表作之一,《清明上...

  • 人工智能使蒙娜丽莎栩栩如生

    15-07-20 Her eyes are said to follow art lovers around the room and the Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile gives her a strangely life like quality that captivates those who gaze upon her. 据说无论在房间的哪个角度,艺术爱好者们都会觉得蒙娜丽莎(Mona Lisa)在看着自己...

  • 《年轻的蒙娜丽莎》在新加坡首次正式亮相

    14-12-19 A so-called early version of the Mona Lisa has gone on public display for the first time in 400 years - as experts revealed they have established a link between it and one of England's finest country homes. 人们称之为《蒙娜丽莎》年轻版本的画作在四百...

  • 戴蒿画牛

    14-10-17 Dai Song was a famous painter in Tang dynasty and his paintings of ox were always cherished by Brahmins. In Song dynasty, a person who lived in Sichuan province with a surname of Du collected a painting of ox by Dai Song, and he cherished it very mu...

  • 《疯狂原始人》精彩词句

    14-10-14 The scorpion grabbed a hold of me, and you know, one thing led to another. 那只蝎子把我抓得牢牢的,然后,事情就一件接一件地发生了。 Painting is a thing of the past. 壁画已经过时了。 You are being irrational and counterproductive. 你这样胡搅蛮缠只会...

  • 英国男子利用迪斯尼壁画向女友求婚

    14-06-08 一位浪漫的街头艺术家以女友最喜欢的迪斯尼电影中的人物为主题,画了一幅50英尺长的街头壁画,向女友求婚。28岁的亨利巴恩斯花了两天时间,用了30桶油彩创作出了这幅喷漆杰作,壁画上还写着一行字:丝黛茜史密斯,你愿意嫁给我吗。 A romantic street artist proposed...

  • 美国男子138美元抽奖获得百万毕加索画作

    13-12-27 据美国媒体12月20日报道,一名男子花138美元参加抽奖活动,最终赢得了价值100万美元的毕加索画作。 A man looking for art for his new home has won a $1 million Picasso painting with a $138 raffle ticket(彩券) . Jeffrey Gonano told the Pittsburgh Tribune-...

  • 诺曼·洛克威尔一副油画4600万被拍卖

    13-12-05 A Norman Rockwell painting, Saying Grace, has been sold for $46m in New York, a new record for a piece of American art sold at auction. 诺曼洛克威尔的一副油画,《Saying Grace》在纽约的一场拍卖会上卖到4600万美元,创下了单件美国艺术品的拍卖价格之最。...

  • 画龙点睛

    13-10-24 During the Southern and Northern Dynasties Period (420-589), there was a Chinese painter called Zhang Sengyao. Once, he visited a temple and painted four dragons on the wall, but he gave none of them eyes. Onlookers thought this odd, and asked why h...