10-06-03 People who meditate(考虑,计划) regularly find pain less unpleasant because their brains anticipate(预期,抢先) the pain less, a new study has found. Scientists from The University of Manchester recruited(招募,雇佣) individuals into the study...
10-05-13 Babies should be given something sugary before a jab to reduce pain, Canadian researchers say. 加拿大研究人员称,婴儿在接受注射之前可吃食一些糖类以减轻疼痛。 Sugary solutions reduced crying time, the researchers said. Experts at the University of To...
10-04-03 Underscoring(强调) what researchers call a serious international public health concern, results from the Global Longitudinal Study(纵向研究) of Osteoporosis(骨质疏松症) in Women (GLOW) showed that among women at an elevated level of risk for o...
10-03-19 Nurses participating in shift work, especially those working rotating shifts(轮流换班) , face a significantly increased risk of developing Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS肠易激综合症 ) and abdominal pain(腹痛) compared to those working a standard...
10-03-18 Greater use of hypnotherapy to ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome would help sufferers and might save money, says a gastroenterologist. 一位胃肠病学家称,对肠道易激综合症患者更多地使用催眠疗法可帮助他们减轻痛苦并可省下一笔医疗费。 Irritab...
10-03-07 Electromagnetic pulses(电磁脉冲) significantly decrease pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis(骨关节炎) of the knee, according to Henry Ford Hospital researchers. In the double-blind, randomized(随机的) placebo-controlled study,...
10-02-24 Spanish tenor Placido Domingo is to undergo preventive surgery and will be unable to perform for the next six weeks, his spokesman has said. 西班牙男高音普拉西多多明戈将要进行预防性手术,因此在未来的六个星期之内将不会登台演出。 Domingo has been suff...
09-12-28 Ever literally felt somebody else's pain? You're not alone, with new research showing some people do have a physical reaction to others' injuries. 你曾经切身感受到别人的痛苦是吗?不止你一人这样,一项最新研究表明,有些人对他人的伤痛确实会产生生理反应...
09-10-13 Children can be taught to use their imagination to tackle frequent bouts of stomach pain, research shows. 研究显示,孩子们可以被教授运用他们的想象力处理经常发生的肚子痛。 Abdominal pain is common in children A relaxation-type CD, asking children to...
09-08-05 A compound harvested from soft coral off the coast of Taiwan could provide a new treatment for pain from intractable nerve damage, experts say. 专家称,台湾沿海附近的软珊瑚上提取的复合物可能会提供一个新的治疗方法来对付棘手的神经损伤带来的疼痛。 Keny...