• 快递相关表达

    22-01-25 1)寄快递:send a package,没错,就是如此简单直接。 举个例子: I will send my father a package for his birthday. 老爸过生日,我要给他寄一个快递。 2)取快递:receive a package 举个例子: Lily received a package from her ex-boyfriend. 莉莉收到了她前男...

  • 快递

    22-01-25 1)express快递服务:a special delivery service 举个例子: The notebook arrived by express. 笔记本是通过快递寄过来的。 当然了,express还有一些固定的搭配 举例子: an express letter特快信 an express airmail service航空快件业务 2)包裹package/parcel 和...

  • “话费、流量、套餐” 用英语怎么说

    21-05-15 话费 用英语说就是 credit。名词 credit 可以表示 手机账户上可以使用的金额。如果你的手机话费余额不足,那么打电话的时候就有可能听到这样的语音提示信息:Sorry, you dont have enough credit to make this call. 对不起,您的话费余额不足,无法拨打电话。 还有 流...

  • 顺丰获准使用无人机送快件

    17-06-30 The major Chinese logistics company SF Express has been given the legal go-ahead for drone package deliveries, the first company to receive official permission for such a service, reports thepaper.cn. 澎湃新闻报道,顺丰速运已获准使用无人机运送包裹,...

  • Gift Package 大礼包

    15-10-12 12.7 million primary and secondary school teachers in China are going to receive a Gift Package issued by the State Council ahead of this year's Teachers' Day, which falls on Sept 10. 在今年9月10日教师节即将来临之际,1270万中小学教师收到了国务院发出...

  • holiday package anxiety 节日包裹焦虑症

    13-12-24 Holiday package anxiety refers to freaking-out over that special online purchase that's supposed to be delivered before Christmas. 节日包裹焦虑症指的是因为没收到本该在圣诞节前送到的某件网购物品而感到焦虑不安的心理。 Example: Husband: Why are you so...

  • Snail mail 蜗牛邮件

    11-06-23 Snail mail refers to a letter or package physically delivered by a postal service, suggesting that the service is as slow as a snail. People would like to use this term especially when the object mailed could have been sent electronically via e-mail...

  • 福特提供刺激计划以裁员

    09-12-22 Carmaker Ford has offered incentive packages to all of its 41,000 US hourly workers in a bid to reduce its factory costs. 汽车制造商福特向全美41000名小时工提供刺激计划以削减制造成本。 Ford says 1,000 workers took similar packages earlier in the year...

  • 微软期待Windows7的胜利

    09-10-23 Windows 7 packages sold at a rate of three per minute during a special midnight opening of an electrical store to mark the launch. 为纪念Windows 7发布而特别设立的电讯商店,在某个特别的午夜,Windows 7安装包发售速率达到每分钟三套。 More than 500 peopl...

  • California resort offers $19 'survivor' package 加州酒店推出

    09-08-22 在经济不景气导致客源下降的情况下,美国南加州很多豪华酒店都在现价基础上推出了很多额外服务项目以吸引客人入住;而一家名为兰乔贝尔纳多酒店的度假村却反其道而行之,将每晚219美元的客房服务大肆缩水推出最低至19美元的所谓生存者套房,客人可以通过减少各类服务来...
