• 美国亚特兰大拟通过新法令 宠物狂叫主人将受罚

    22-09-26 据福克斯新闻网报道,美国亚特兰大市正在酝酿通过一项新法令,以免宠物狂叫不止扰民。该法令如获批准,允许宠物持续发出噪音的时间将缩短一半。宠物第一次违规,其主人将面临150美元(约合人民币1000元)的罚款,如宠物再次违规,罚款将增加。按照亚特兰大目前的法规,...

  • 音译外国专有名词要秉承三个原则

    20-10-28 要遵循专有名词所有者的发音 Follow the pronunciation of the owners of proper names It is unquestionably true that all the proper names should be transliterated from the correct pronunciation of their owners. The French names should be transliterated...

  • 德国新规要求狗主人每天遛狗两次

    20-08-26 A new rule forcing Germans to take their dog for a walk twice a day has unleashed a debate on whether the state can decide what is best for the countrys 9.4 million pet canines. 德国计划出台新规,要求养狗的人们每天必须遛狗两次。这项新规引发争论,即...

  • showrooming 展厅现象

    16-12-11 Bookstore owners everywhere have a lurking suspicion: that the customers who type into their smartphones while browsing in the store, and then leave, are planning to buy the books online later. 各地的书店店主都在隐隐怀疑:顾客在店里浏览时,还在不停...

  • 台湾刮起奇怪的狗狗美容流行风

    15-05-30 A bizarre new dog grooming trend in Taiwan has dog owners giving their pet pooches square or round haircuts. Canine hairdressers all over Taipei are up to date on the special technique required for these eccentric makeovers. 台湾刮起了一阵奇怪的狗狗...

  • 英国小企业经营者的工作时间最短

    13-09-03 Small business owners in the UK work fewer hours than their counterparts in the US, Germany, France, Netherlands or Spain, according to a survey. 调查发现,英国小型企业业主的工作时间比美国、德国、法国、荷兰或西班牙的同行都要少。 Research funded by H...

  • Idle car owners 捧车族

    12-08-22 Idle car owners are the car owners who rarely get behind the wheel of their vehicles because of rising petrol, insurance and registration costs. Their cars linger in parking lots or on streets the majority of the time, only being used at weekends or...
