• 工作“闷爆”怎么办

    21-07-06 Boreout is different from burnout in the sense that bored-out employees rarely collapse out of exhaustion. Bored-out people may be present physically but not in spirit, and people can keep doing this for a good while, says Harju. 哈留称:闷爆和过度...

  • 工作“闷爆”会危害身心健康

    21-07-06 大家都知道,工作过度会生病,但是你可知道,工作太无聊也会生病?研究人员指出,对工作提不起精神、觉得工作毫无意义的闷爆现象和过度疲劳一样会危害你的身心健康,甚至会引发抑郁症。 Being chronically bored at work can have damaging consequences and we need t...
