• 北京政府主要机构搬至通州

    19-01-11 Four key municipal organs of Beijing moved their offices into Tongzhou District, the citys subsidiary center, on Friday. 北京市政府四个关键部门周五搬到了通州区。 The four organs are the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, th...

  • 猪肉生产商打算供应猪器官用于人体移植

    17-05-12 Smithfield Foods, the worlds largest pork producer, doesnt just raise pigs to be eaten. 作为全球最大的猪肉生产商,史密斯菲尔德食品公司养猪可不仅仅是为了做成食品。 The company announced lately that it plans to explore the possibility of using its hog...

  • donorcycle 捐献摩托

    17-02-23 Donorcycle is a combination of organ donor and motorcycle; the term apparently originates from emergency room personnel who often see motorcycle accident victims. It alludes to the high percentage of donated organs that come from motorcyclists. Dono...

  • 取消死囚器官移植来源不会造成器官捐赠短缺

    15-03-12 China's ban on the harvesting of organs from executed prisoners for transplant will not cause the shortage of donated organs, an expert said on Wednesday. 本周三,在北京举行的全国政协记者招待会上,全国政协常委、中国器官捐献与移植委员会主任黄洁夫表示...

  • 威尔士或出台器官捐献“假定同意”草案

    12-06-22 生前没有签订器官捐献志愿书,但也没有表明不愿意?那么在你身故后,你遗体内的器官就可以被医院拿去移植给需要的病人,而不需要征得你家属的同意。这就是威尔士政府近日提出的器官捐赠假定同意政策草案。 People in Wales could soon have their organs removed after...

  • 罕见连体双胞胎在巴西出生

    11-12-23 Conjoined twins have been born in Brazil with two heads, two functioning brains and two backbones - but a single heart. 一对连体双胞胎在巴西出生,这对双胞胎有两个头、两个功能完全的大脑、两支脊柱,但是只有一个心脏。 Jesus and Emanuel share a heart Th...

  • 耶鲁科学家完成老鼠内脏器官3D模型

    10-06-25 Yale University engineers have for the first time created 3D models of whole intact(完整的) mouse organs, a feat(功绩,壮举) they accomplished using fluorescence microscopy(荧光显微法) . The team reports its findings in the May/June issue of t...
