• 桔子与桔汁 谁对健康更有益?

    15-01-22 Many health advocates advise people to eat an orange and drink water rather than opt for a serving of sugary juice. But in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, scientists report that the picture is not clear-cut. Although juice is indeed...

  • Golden Fruit

    14-12-22 Of the fruits of the year I give my vote to the orange. In the first place it is a perennial -- if not in actual fact, at least in the greengrocer's shop. On the days when dessert is a name given to a handful of chocolates and a little preserved gin...

  • orange-collar 橙领

    14-11-11 The term orange-collar refers to the theme color of China's largest online shopping website, Taobao.com, and has been generalized to include people who make a living by doing jobs related to e-commerce. 橙领的橙,取自淘宝橙色系,橙领指通过淘宝联盟赚...

  • 日本商店开始贩卖“蜜桔饭团”

    14-05-25 日本一家温泉旁边的商店开始贩卖一种蜜桔饭团,这是一种长得像可爱的小桔子的桔味饭团。一打开饭团的包装,一股清香的桔味扑面而来。咬一小口饭团对舌头来讲都是十分大的惊喜。刚一开始你能感觉到米饭熟悉的味道,随后蜜桔的味道突然在口腔内爆炸,在齿颊之间弥漫开来...

  • Half or Five Tenths 半个还是十分之五

    14-03-12 Teacher: Would you rather have one half of an orange or five tenths? Gerald: I'd much rather have the half. Teacher: Think carefully, and tell me why. Gerald: Because you lose too much juice when you cut the orange into five tenths. 老师:你愿意要半...

  • 美国玛德琳·米勒获2012橘子小说奖

    12-05-31 Debut US novelist Madeline Miller has won the 2012 Orange Prize for Fiction with The Song of Achilles, a story of same-sex romance set in the Greek age of heroes. 新出道的美国小说家玛德琳米勒凭作品《阿基里斯之歌》获得2012年橘子小说奖,该著讲述的是罗...

  • 为什么蓝牛仔常用橙色线缝接

    12-05-18 The orange thread traditionally used to sew Levi Strauss blue jeans was intentionally selected to match the copper rivets(铆钉) that doubled the durability of the jeans. Levi Strauss, however, neither envisioned this particular use for copper rive...

  • 美14名员工因同穿橙色衬衫被解雇

    12-03-24 上周五,美国佛罗里达州一家律师事务所的14名员工因同时穿着橙色衬衫而被解雇,公司老板认为他们集体穿同样颜色的衣服是对公司管理层的抗议行为。 They weren't wearing sagging pants or revealing(坦胸漏肩的) clothing. But dressing in an orange shirt is appar...

  • 酒吧饭店中鲜榨桔汁存在污染现象

    11-12-15 Scientists from the University of Valencia in Spain have analysed fresh orange juice squeezed by machines in catering(餐饮) establishments. They have confirmed that 43% of samples exceeded the acceptable enterobacteriaceae(肠杆菌科) levels laid...

  • 雄孔雀鱼体色进化受雌性影响

    11-11-25 Guppies in the wild have evolved over at least half-a-million years -- long enough for the males' coloration(着色) to have changed dramatically. Yet a characteristic orange patch on male guppies has remained remarkably stable, though it could have...