• 脸皮厚

    22-06-28 1. Thick-skinned表示皮厚。 a thick-skinned orange 厚皮的橙子 Thick-skinned 用在人身上,指厚脸皮,反之脸皮薄可以说thin-skinned。 He was thick-skinned enough to cope with her taunts. 他脸皮厚,不怕她嘲弄。 2. Shameless表示不知羞耻。 Shameless由词根sha...

  • 飞行过程中的英语

    22-06-14 其实没什么好说的,无非是让你选餐时,你选chicken还是beef此类的..... 你就Chicken/Beef, please,一切OK。 如果想要东西时,句型很简单,就是: Excuse me. Could I have a cup of orange juice, please? 您好。请给我一杯橙汁。 如果冷想多要一个毯子可以说: Could...

  • 为什么不推荐“控糖”人士吃香蕉和葡萄

    20-12-11 Why arent bananas and grapes recommended for people cutting sugar? 问:为什么不推荐控糖人士吃香蕉和葡萄? While most fruits make a slow journey through the digestive tract, bananas and grapes are particularly high in fructose given the amount of fib...

  • 喝冷冻后的橙汁对身体更好

    18-06-16 Orange juice is healthier for you if it has been frozen and defrosted, according to research. 研究指出,喝先冰冻再解冻的橙汁更健康。 Scientists have discovered the body may absorb more of the oranges antioxidants from defrosted juice than it does fr...

  • 棕色褐色类英文词汇

    17-06-05 棕色,褐色 brown 红棕 umber;chili 金棕 auburn 铁锈棕 rustic brown 桔棕 orange brown 橄榄棕 olive brown 赤褐 sorrel; maroon;terra cotta 棕褐 summer tan 茶褐 auburn ; umber 黑褐 black brown 紫褐 puce 黄褐 drab; fulvouos;cinnamon;ocher;tawny;russet brow...

  • 黄色类英文词汇

    17-06-05 黄色 yellow 桔黄 orange; crocus; gamboge; 深桔黄,深橙 deep orange 浅桔黄,浅橙 clear orange; light orange; 柠檬黄 lemon yellow ; lemon ; citrine citron 玉米黄 maize 橄榄黄 olive yellow 樱草黄 primrose yellow 稻草黄 straw yellow 芥末黄 mustard 杏黄 ap...

  • 谢耳朵将主演电影《橘子哥》

    16-11-26 Warner Bros. is working with BuzzFeed Motion Pictures to tell the true story of the internet phenomenon. 华纳兄弟正与BuzzFeed影业合作,将一个真实的互联网事件拍摄成电影。 The Big Bang Theory star Jim Parsons is set to topline Brother Orange, Warner B...

  • 日常生活中常见的各类水果

    16-06-27 菠萝 pineapple 西瓜 watermelon 香蕉 banana 柚子 shaddock(pomelo) 橙子 orange 西红柿 tomato 苹果 apple 柠檬 lemon 樱桃 cherry 桃子 peach 梨 pear 枣 Chinese date(去核枣pitted date) 椰子 coconut 草莓 strawberry 树莓 raspberry 蓝莓 blueberry 黑莓 bl...

  • 凡尔赛宫将开设酒店对外开放

    15-08-23 More than seven million people visit the opulent gilded masterpiece each year, but that hasn't kept the state-owned castle from falling victim to under-funding. In an attempt to raise revenue, the government has announced that the estate will now op...