• 射手座 Sagittarius

    22-05-26 optimistic 乐观 adventurous 有冒险精神 independent 独立 large-hearted 仁慈 philosophical 哲思 unpredictable 让人琢磨不透 straightforward 直率 careless 粗心...

  • 狗也分为乐观与悲观两派

    10-10-17 If your dog destroys the furniture when you are away, it could be a pessimist, researchers have concluded. 最新研究显示,如果你的爱犬趁你不在时破坏家具,那它可能是一条悲观的狗。 A stray dog lies outside the Hagia Sophia museum in Istanbul September...

  • US economic outlook 'optimistic' 美国经济前景“乐观”

    09-09-10 The US economic outlook has become cautiously optimistic, according to the latest issue of the Federal Reserve's influential Beige Book. 在美国联邦储备局具有影响力的黄皮书作用下,美国经济前景谨慎地乐观。 US retail spending remains weak Five of the 1...

  • Optimistic women live for longer 乐观的妇女寿命更长

    09-08-11 Women who are optimistic have a lower risk of heart disease and death, an American study shows. 一向美国调查显示,乐观的妇女患心脏病和死亡的风险比较低。 It pays to be optimistic The latest study by US investigators mirrors the findings of earlier wo...
