• 英国考虑禁止活煮龙虾等海洋生物

    21-09-17 当提到章鱼和龙虾时,你的脑海里会想到什么?是海鲜食品还是智慧海洋生物? Some creatures are so different from us that we can only guess how aware or sentient they are. An octopus has arms that can smell and taste. They can solve problems, even escape...

  • 章鱼皮肤可以感光

    15-05-22 The octopus has a unique ability. It can change the color, pattern and even texture of its skin not only for purposes of camouflage but also as a means of communication. The most intelligent, most mobile and largest of all mollusks, these cephalopod...

  • 拟态章鱼能模仿多种水生动物

    12-01-05 Nature's game of intimidation(恐吓,威胁) and imitation comes full circle in the waters of Indonesia, where scientists have recorded for the first time an association between the black-marble jawfish (Stalix cf. histrio) and the mimic octopus (Tha...

  • “保罗二世”在德国闪亮登场

    10-11-06 Octopus Paul II, successor to the tentacled tipster that wowed the world with his uncanny knack of correctly predicting World Cup football games, was unveiled amid great fanfare Wednesday in Germany. 神算章鱼保罗的继任者保罗二世本周三在德国闪亮登场...

  • 章鱼保罗成为英格兰世界杯形象大使

    10-08-28 Paul the octopus, the oracle of the World Cup in South Africa, has become an official ambassador for England's bid to host the tournament in 2018, organizers said Friday. 有关组织者于上周五称,因预测南非世界杯而一举成名的神算章鱼保罗已成为英格兰申办...

  • 澳大利亚大选 “章鱼妹”预测拉德将获胜

    10-07-25 世界杯期间章鱼保罗八猜八中的骄人成绩使得世界各地涌现了不少章鱼的粉丝,各国都涌现了用章鱼来预测重大事件的热潮。近日,澳大利亚女总理刚刚宣布要参加8月的大选,便有媒体推出了名为卡珊德拉的神奇章鱼妹来预测大选结果,称杰拉德将获胜。 The Sydney Morning Hera...

  • 章鱼“保罗”获颁山寨版大力神杯

    10-07-17 Paul the oracle octopus was given a replica of the World Cup on Monday as a reward for his perfect eight-for-eight record in picking matches as bettors worldwide collected their winnings based on his selections. 神算章鱼保罗于本周一获颁一个山寨版大...

  • 章鱼也会使用工具

    09-12-16 Scientists once thought of tool use as a defining feature of humans. That's until examples of tool use came in from other primates灵长目 , along with连同一起 birds and an array of一批,大量 other mammals哺乳类 . Now, a report in the December 14th is...
