• come to nothing 落空

    22-02-28 落空,汉语词语,意思是未达到目的、目标等,可以翻译为come to nothing,fall through,fail等。常见表达如希望落空(fail to attain ones hope)等。 例句: 他的梦想又一次落空了。 His dream has once again fallen short of the mark. 我们的计划落空了。 Our pla...

  • nothing comes out of nothing 无风不起浪

    21-09-15 无风不起浪,字面意思是there are no waves without wind,形容事情的发生总有起因。可以翻译为nothing comes out of nothing,everything has its seed等。 例句: 起初他并不相信这些谣言,但仔细想想觉得无风不起浪。 At first he didnt believe the rumors, but on...

  • 老外说what's up怎样回答才得体?

    20-10-21 在外国人的日常交际里,whats up的使用频率很高,而且语气也非常轻松,多用于和熟人打招呼。 whats up的意思是最近怎么样,最近在忙什么,类似表达还有How is it going和How is everything。 那怎么回答比较有礼貌呢? nothing much / nothing.没什么事 nothing new.还...

  • A Dusk

    16-03-15 A Dusk Christian Wiman How slowly the mountain takes it in, like a diagnosis of darkness. The consolation of a continuation that has nothing to do with you....

  • 无中生有的翻译

    13-04-17 Create Something From Nothing无中生有 探源 Origin 英文:During the An Lushan rebellion in 756 AD the Tang general Zhang Xun was under siege by the forces of general Linghu Chao. Outnumbered 20 to one, the defending Tang forces soon ran out of arrows...

  • I want nothing but the best for you

    12-04-11 I want nothing but the best for you, and that's why I want you to always have me in your life... Wanting the best for you means wanting you to always have a friend you can count on, a love you can celebrate, arms you can come home to, and a life tha...

  • 《道林·格雷》五

    11-07-05 影片对白: Henry: I too have news. It seems my wife is with child. Gray: Oh, congratulations. Henry: Don't be absurd. It's the beginning of the end. So, indulge me. Alan: Ah, Harry. Henry: Alan. Alan: Firkytoodling at last, I see. Come along, ladies...
