• 克拉珀:美国监控法国电话记录的报道属虚构

    13-10-23 US intelligence chief James Clapper has denied reports that US spies recorded data from 70 million phone calls in France in a single 30-day period. 美国情报负责人詹姆斯克拉珀否认了美国特工在30天时间内监控法国七千万电话记录的报道。 The director of na...

  • snailpaper 蜗牛报纸

    13-09-02 It's 2013. The screens are winning adherents left and right. Print newspapers are turning into snailpapers that arrive at our doorsteps with news that is 12 hours late. 现在是2013年了。各类屏幕已赢得不同派别的集体支持,而纸质报纸正在变成蜗牛报纸。报...

  • 亚马逊老板2.5亿收购华盛顿邮报

    13-08-06 The boss of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, has agreed to purchase the Washington Post newspaper for $250m. 亚马逊老板杰夫贝索斯将以2.5亿美元的价格收购华盛顿邮报。 Mr Bezos is buying the paper and its other print properties in a personal capacity. The Post has...

  • 新闻国际公司更名为英国新闻公司

    13-06-26 News International, the media company behind newspapers including the Times and the Sun, has changed its name to News UK. 新闻国际公司,《泰晤士报》和《太阳报》背后的媒体公司,将其名字更换为英国新闻公司。 The rebranding comes as part of a broader re...

  • Me & Miss Bee

    13-06-07 You went to the butcher's for meat, the pharmacy for aspirin, and the grocery store for food. But when I spent the summer with my Grandmother in Warwick, N.Y., she sent me down to the general store with a list. How could I hope to find anything on t...

  • 智能手机程序可让小孩子读新闻

    13-02-14 如何才能让小孩子也能读懂报纸上的新闻?日本《东京新闻》报纸与某广告公司合作推出的一款新闻应用程序可以解决这个问题。 An augmented(增音的,扩张的) -reality app that translates grown-up newspapers for children has been developed in Japan. The Tokyo Sh...

  • I wish

    12-12-19 Wife talking to her husband(who reads newspaper all day): I wish I were a newspaper so I'll be in your hands all day. Husband: I wish that too, so I could change you daily. 妻子走到看报纸的丈夫面前说:我真希望我是一份报纸,这样我每天都可以被你捧在手...

  • 摄影师拍地铁撞人照片引争议

    12-12-08 The man in the picture has his back to the camera. He's desperately clawing at a subway platform, looking right at the train that's bearing down on him as he stands on the tracks. 照片中的这名男子背对着镜头,绝望地用手抓住地铁站台,站在铁轨上,眼睛...

  • 超人从《星球日报》辞职

    12-10-24 Superman is giving up his once-promising career in journalism. 超人将放弃其在新闻业大有前途的事业。 Alter ego Clark Kent is resigning from the post of star reporter at the Daily Planet, the Metropolis newspaper where he has worked since the first Su...

  • Who Are Crooks? 谁是骗子?

    11-10-28 A newspaper once carried an editorial which stated bluntly(坦率地) that half the city council were crooks. Under penalty of arrest, the editor issued following retraction(撤销) : Half the city council aren't crooks. 一次,一份报纸刊登了一篇社论...