• 人文知识练习附讲解 2

    21-10-24 1. Where is Edinburgh? A. In Wales B. In Scotland C. In Northern Ireland D. In Ireland 2. Which of the following is Not a U.S. news and cable network? A. ABC B. CNN C. CBS D. BBC 3. The Capital of Australia is __. A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Canberra...

  • turn pale with fright 大惊失色

    21-10-13 大惊失色,汉语成语,形容十分慌张,吓得脸色都变了(be so terrified that ones face turns pale)。可以翻译为turn pale with fright。 例句: 她听到那消息大惊失色。 She paled with shock at the news....

  • mind your p's and q's 注意礼貌;小心行事;谨言慎行

    21-09-28 这个短语的意思不是注意你的p和q,而是注意你的言行举止,老外常用这句话提醒他人谨言慎行,不可失礼犯错。 p和q为什么会有这种意思呢? 这个短语起源于印刷业。在很久之前,使用活字印刷术需要把字母反过来排版,这样印出来的字才是正面的。 因为p反过来是q,q反过来...

  • have never been heard of since 杳无音信

    21-09-10 杳无音信,汉语成语,指一点消息也没有,形容失去联系或没有方式联系。可以翻译为there has been no news whatsoever about somebody,not heard from ... at all或have never been heard of since等。 例句: 他走后一直杳无音信。 Hes never been heard of since he...

  • get a load of this 赶快来看看

    21-08-19 如果你对某人说 get a load of this, 你是想让此人赶快来看看某事或有趣的信息。 例句 Mike, get a load of this: our friend Frank is being interviewed on the TV news right now! Get a load of this: Ive just found out that our teacher used to be a professio...

  • leap for joy 手舞足蹈

    21-06-25 手舞足蹈,汉语成语,意思是两手舞动,两只脚也跳了起来(dance with joy [excitement])。形容高兴到了极点(be exuberant or very happy about something)。可以翻译为be beside oneself with joy,leap for joy。 例句: 你真该看看他听到自己获奖时手舞足蹈的样子...

  • be kept in the dark 蒙在鼓里

    21-03-22 蒙在鼓里,字面意思是被包在鼓里(literally be kept in a drum);比喻受人蒙蔽,对有关的事情一点儿也不知道。可以翻译为be kept in the dark。 例句: 全村都知道了,他还蒙在鼓里。 The whole village knew about it, but he was still kept in the dark. 谢谢你给...

  • be alarmed at mere rumours 闻风丧胆

    21-03-13 闻风丧胆,汉语成语,字面意思是听到一点风声,就把胆吓破了。形容对某种力量非常恐惧。可以翻译为become terror-stricken (panic-stricken) at the news,be alarmed at mere rumours。 例句: 解放军大军所到之处,敌人闻风丧胆。 The enemy trembled with fear wher...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 4

    21-01-21 I ran away from a circus, began Ben, but got no further, for Bab and Betty gave a simultaneous bounce of delight, and both cried out at once, - Weve been to one! It was splendid! You wouldnt think so if you knew as much about it as I do, answered Be...

  • hope against hope 抱一线希望

    20-11-08 短语 hope against hope 的意思是 某人寄希望于一件不太可能发生的事情。它有时也用来表达某人在绝望的情况下抱着一线希望。Hope against hope 是一个动词短语,所以其中的第一个 hope 应根据时态和主语的变化而改变。 例句 After hearing about the accident, familie...