• 《沉睡魔咒》第10章

    23-01-28 While Maleficent hated to admit it, Diaval wasnt the only one who was curious about the baby. As the days turned into weeks and then into months, the curiosity ate at Maleficent. It ate at her while she wandered the Moors, checking on the Thorn Wall...

  • millstone around one's neck 沉重的负担

    22-08-18 我有个表兄,说起来挺可怜的。他从小就立志要做律师。几年前如愿以偿,从法学院毕业,加入了一家律师事务所。如今,他一天从早忙到晚,周末都不能跟家人在一起。可是因为上法学院欠下的一屁股债,所以又不能放弃律师的工作。他所面临的进退两难的局面,倒是让我想起了...

  • 10个地道美语表达 下

    22-04-20 6.break ones neck:make a great effort to do something 尽一切努力去做某事 I hope Tom would study harder, because I am breaking my neck to save money to keep him in college. 我希望汤姆可以更用功一点,我想尽一切办法存钱供他上大学。 7.get up the nerve...

  • polo neck 高领毛衣

    22-04-07 冬天了,时尚与保暖真的不可兼得吗?就是这么不可思议,保暖实用的高领毛衣(polo neck)居然成功逆袭,成为这个冬天炙手可热的时尚单品。让我们跟随《卫报》,来看看高领毛衣背后的故事。 The polo neck is the most bad-ass player in fashion right now. So wrong f...

  • stick your neck out 敢于冒风险

    21-08-23 短语 stick your neck out 的意思是敢于冒风险,不怕得罪人。 例句 John stuck his neck out and told the boss what we thought of him. He decided to stick his neck out and buy a new sports car, even though he hadnt asked his wife. 请注意 另一个同脖子相关...

  • Little Women - Chapter 39

    20-09-28 Laurie went to Nice intending to stay a week, and remained a month. He was tired of wandering about alone, and Amys familiar presence seemed to give a homelike charm to the foreign scenes in which she bore a part. He rather missed the petting he use...

  • 美教授警告:婴儿颈浮圈可能带来致命后果

    17-08-29 They may look cute and seem harmless, but neck floats for babies can have deadly consequences, an expert warns. Kyran Quinlan, associate professor of pediatrics at Rush University, made the claim as the trendy gadgets continue to flood social media....

  • Nineteen Eighty-Four 一九八四 Part 1, Chapter 1

    15-07-20 It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to...