• nano nap 打盹儿

    15-11-11 A nano nap is a period of sleep which lasts between 15 and 30 seconds. It is generally involuntary, and often occurs when people are incredibly tired and bored. Many office workers and students are familiar with the concept, thanks to falling asleep...

  • 金纳米螺旋可防止身份盗窃

    15-06-04 Take gold spirals about the size of a dime...and shrink them down about six million times. The result is the world's smallest continuous spirals: nano-spirals with unique optical properties that would be almost impossible to counterfeit if they were...

  • 镀银织物在洗涤时涂层不会脱落

    14-07-01 If it contains 'nano', it doesn't primarily leak 'nano': at least that's true for silver-coated textiles, explains Bernd Nowack of the Technology and Society division at Empa. During each wash cycle a certain amount of the silver coating is washed o...

  • 科学家发现可同时反应的链式分子

    10-12-13 In the burgeoning(生机勃勃的) field of nano-science there are now many ways of 'writing' molecular-scale messages on a surface, one molecule at a time. The trouble is that writing a molecule at a time takes a very long time. It is much better if t...

  • 研究人员拍摄到次纳米孔径结构图像

    10-06-09 Moore's law marches on: In the quest for faster and cheaper computers, scientists have imaged pore(气孔,小孔) structures in insulation(绝缘,隔离) material at sub-nanometer scale for the first time. Understanding these structures could substant...

  • 纳米微粒 对付癌细胞的“聪明”杀手

    10-03-09 Another weapon in the arsenal(兵工厂,军械库) against cancer: Nanoparticles that identify, target and kill specific cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. Led by Carl Batt, the Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor of Food Science, the researcher...

  • 心血管疾病新纳米疗法治疗或将问世

    10-01-19 Researchers at MIT麻省理工学院 and Harvard Medical School have built targeted nanoparticles纳米粒子 that can cling to依靠,坚持 artery walls and slowly release medicine, an advance that potentially provides an alternative to drug-releasing stents分...

  • 科学家使用水滴塑造石墨烯纳米结构

    09-12-18 A single-atom-thick sheet of carbon, like those seen in pencil marks -- offers great potential for new types of nanoscale纳米级 devices, if a good way can be found to mold the material into desired shapes. Chemists at the University of Illinois at C...
