• mutual following 互粉

    22-09-23 互粉,即互相关注,互当粉丝,也称互关。在微博中,关注(following)是指你关注的人,而粉丝(follower)指关注你的人。当你与其他用户互为关注后,就是互粉,可以翻译为mutual following。 求互粉表示follow someone on Twitter or Weibo in hopes of them following...

  • 中美双方就媒体问题达成三项共识

    21-11-18 中美双方在11月16日元首视频会晤前,就媒体问题达成三项共识。在11月17日举行的外交部例行记者会上,发言人赵立坚应询对此作进一步介绍。 赵立坚说, 中方高度重视媒体问题,一直尽最大努力为包括美国在内的外国记者在华依法依规报道提供协助、便利和服务。与此同时,...

  • suit each other perfectly 情投意合

    21-08-11 情投意合,汉语成语,形容双方思想感情融洽,意见一致,彼此很合得来。可以翻译为find mutual affection and agreement,be in agreement in opinion and feelings或suit each other perfectly等。 例句: 情投意合的伴侣 Congenial companion 汤姆和简两人情投意合。...

  • fellow sufferers have mutual sympathy 同病相怜

    21-01-10 同病相怜,汉语成语,字面意思是those who have the same illness sympathize with each other,比喻因有同样的遭遇或痛苦而互相同情。可以翻译为fellow sufferers have mutual sympathy,fellow sufferers commiserate with each other。 例句: 受伤的人常常同病相怜...

  • 各地要落实“健康码”信息互认机制

    20-12-12 All regional authorities should implement regulations and mechanism for mutual recognition of health codes in order to facilitate travel and cross-provincial mobility and achieve universal recognition of health codes nationwide, stressed the circula...

  • 礼尚往来

    20-11-16 礼尚往来的意思是礼注重相互往来和互惠,可以翻译为etiquette requires reciprocity and mutual benefit。 礼即礼制;尚即崇尚、注重。有时也表示用对方对待自己的态度和方式去对待对方(one should treat the other party in the way the other party treats you),...

  • 李克强将于四月访问欧盟

    19-03-15 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Friday said he is going to visit the European Union (EU) headquarters in April and hold the next round of the China-EU leaders meeting. 中国国务院总理李克强周五表示,他将于四月访问欧盟总部,举行下一轮中欧领导人会晤。 He...

  • 习近平敦促将中韩关系重回正轨

    17-05-19 President Xi Jinping said Friday that China was ready to work with the Republic of Korea (ROK) to return bilateral ties to the normal track. 习近平主席周五表示,中国愿与韩国共同努力将双边关系恢复至正常轨道。 Xi made the remarks during a meeting with...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 41

    15-05-20 Superfluous efforts, he cries, this is not what I must have... to the business... the business... however pitiable my state... I can hold back no longer... come, Countess, your arms! He seizes her ferociously, places her as I was placed, arms suspen...

  • 《风好正扬帆》双语要点

    14-08-06 无信不立。 One cannot be successful without trust. 坚持睦邻友好,增强相互信任。 The two countries shall maintain their relationship of good neighborliness and friendship and enhance mutual trust. 当前,中韩关系正面临大发展的机遇,给两国关系发展注入...
