• to flex one's muscles 显示实力,显示力量

    21-06-29 短语 to flex ones muscles 的字面意思是活动肌肉,人们借用这个形象的画面来描述一个人或机构对他人显示实力,展示力量。 例句 Our boss spent a lot of time flexing her muscles at the meeting this morning. She wants us to know shes in charge. 在晨会上,我们...

  • 黄莺声带肌的工作方式与人类似

    16-01-13 A songbirds' vocal muscles work like those of human speakers and singers, finds a study recently published in the Journal of Neuroscience. The research on Bengalese finches showed that each of their vocal muscles can change its function to help prod...

  • 穿紧身牛仔裤蹲太久损伤肌肉甚至神经

    15-06-28 Attention wearers of skinny jeans: don't squat -- at least not for long. 穿紧身牛仔裤的人们注意了!没事别蹲着至少别蹲太久。 Doctors in Australia report that a 35-year-old woman was hospitalized for four days after experiencing muscle damage, swellin...

  • 过多穿高跟鞋会导致足部肌肉失衡

    15-06-08 Women who wear them too often may find the downsides soon outweigh the benefits as research shows they can cause a potentially harmful imbalance in the feet. 女性过多穿高跟鞋也许弊大于利。研究表明,高跟鞋会导致足部肌肉失衡,而这种失衡有潜在危害性。...

  • 快速矫正坐姿的几条建议

    14-08-10 If you sit at a desk all day, don't perch on the edge of your seat at work trying to sit up straight. The best thing you can do is scoot your hips and butt against the back of the chair, and use it for support -- that's what it's there for. You have...

  • 钓鱼线与缝纫线即可制作超强度线材

    14-02-23 An international team led by The University of Texas at Dallas has discovered that ordinary fishing line and sewing thread can be cheaply converted to powerful artificial muscles. The new muscles can lift a hundred times more weight and generate a h...

  • 冷水浴能缓解肌肉酸痛但可能不安全

    12-02-15 Taking a cold bath after exercise can soothe sore muscles but it is unclear whether this is safe, say experts. 专家称,运动后洗冷水浴能减轻肌肉酸痛,但是尚不清楚这是否安全。 Plunging into chilly water can provide a shock to the system and may even b...
