• 上港董事长陈戌源将担任中国足协主席

    19-05-24 A mountaineering team of Chinese women have successfully scaled the worlds highest peak -- Mount Qomolangma, also known as Mount Everest -- on Wednesday. 一个中国女子登山队周三成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰。 The three Chinese women are Ma Liyamu, from Northwes...

  • 卡米·里塔第23次登上珠峰

    19-05-17 Sherpa climber Kami Rita scaled Mt. Qomolangma on Wednesday for a 23rd time, breaking his own record for the most successful ascents of the worlds highest peak. 夏尔巴登山者卡米里塔周三第23次登上珠穆朗玛峰,打破了他自己的记录,成为登顶珠峰次数最多的...

  • 南非女性萨瑞·库马洛登顶珠峰

    19-05-17 South African Saray Khumalo has become the first black African woman to reach the top of Mt. Qomolangma, according to local media reports. 南非萨瑞库马洛成为登上第一位登上珠穆朗玛峰的非洲黑人女性。 Mt. Qomolangma, also known as Mt. Everest. Khumalo,...

  • 海拔最高的公路隧道开放通车

    19-04-26 The worlds highest highway tunnel was open to traffic on Friday at an altitude of over 4,750 meters above sea level in southwest Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region. 世界上海拔最高的公路隧道周五开放通车,这条隧道位于西藏自治区,海拔4750米。 The two-way t...

  • 瓦屋山国家森林公园重新向公众开放

    18-08-09 Chinas largest national forest park has reopened to the public after being closed for the last six years, thepaper.cn reported on Wednesday. 中国最大的国家森林公园关闭六年之后重新向公众开放。 The Wawu Shan National Forest Park in Meishan, 180 kilome...

  • 安徽黄山入选联合国教科文世界生物圈保护区

    18-07-26 Yellow Mountain in Anhui Province has been added to the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves, becoming the 34th listed biosphere reserve in China. 安徽黄山被纳入联合国教科文组织世界生物圈保护区网络章程框架,成为中国第34个入选的生物圈保护区。 T...

  • 珠峰攀登季临近 登山绳与物资已到位

    18-05-08 As the climbing season for Mount Qomolangma approaches, the climbing rope has been anchored and supplies put in place on the north side of the mountain in southwest Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region. 随着珠峰攀登季节的临近,珠峰北面的登山绳已被固定好,...

  • 第11届海峡两岸茶博会在武夷山举行

    17-11-15 The 11th Tea Exposition of Cross-Straits (TEC-S) is underway at the foot of Wuyi Mountain, southeast Chinas Fujian province. 第11届海峡两岸茶业博览会目前正在福建省武夷山脚下举行。 Around 6,000 buyers, along with major tea companies from both home an...

  • 世界最长山区悬索桥在丽江开工

    17-06-04 Construction of a vital suspension bridge has begun near Lijiang city, southwest Chinas Yunnan province, according to local news portal yunnan.cn. 云南新闻网站报道,世界上最长的山区悬索桥已在丽江开工。 Once completed, it will be the worlds longest m...

  • 小王子 Chapter 19

    17-04-26 After that, the little prince climbed a high mountain. The only mountains he had ever known were the three volcanoes, which came up to his knees. And he used the extinct volcano as a footstool. From a mountain as high as this one, he said to himself...