• set the wheels in motion 开始运转、实施

    21-09-07 短语 set the wheels in motion 让轮子动起来 的实际意思是使某事开始运转、实施。 例句 Victoria dreamed of becoming an Olympic cycling champion. She set the wheels in motion by buying a racing bike. Neil decided to move to the country. He set the wheels...

  • 两会常用词的区别

    21-03-12 选举与邀请 全国人民代表大会(the National Peoples Congress, NPC)是由选举产生的代表(elected deputies)组成的 中国人民政治协商会议(the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, CPPCC)是由邀请来的各个党派、各方面社会的名流以及各方面界别的代表...

  • 雪铁龙研发防晕车眼镜

    18-07-27 French car maker Citron recently unveiled a pair of glassless, liquid-filled eye-glasses that can reportedly treat the symptoms of motion sickness. 法国汽车制造商雪铁龙近日推出了一款没有镜片、镜框装有液体的眼镜,据称能治疗晕车症状。 Called Seetron,...

  • 密歇根州立大学研究出纳米发电器

    16-12-26 Michigan researchers have revealed a major breakthrough in harvesting energy from human motion. 密歇根的研究人员取得了一项重大突破, 可从人体动作中收集能量。 They say it could lead to smartphones powered for a week by the motion of a swipe being harv...

  • phobia 恐惧症

    14-11-06 Kinesophobia: Pathological fear of motion The root of this word is kinein, Greek for to move. 运动恐惧症:对运动无法控制的恐惧 这个词的词根是kinein,是希腊语中移动的意思。 Kathisophobia: Fear of sitting down The Greek kathizein means to sit down. 静...

  • no-motion 没有加薪的升职

    14-02-25 No-motion refers to a promotion without a raise or bonus. No-motion指的是没有加薪的升职。 During the recession of 2009, employers have embarked on a new trend of giving promotions to employees (e.g. by adding more responsibility to their current pos...

  • motion system 提案制

    13-08-21 Delegates to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China have hailed a proposal in President Hu Jintao's report to introduce a motion system that enables Party delegates to collectively put forward their opinions and suggestions - lik...

  • 婴儿如何理解运动的世界

    11-09-16 Watching children on the playground, we see them run, climb, slide, get up, and do it all again. While their movements are continuous, we language-users can easily divide them up and name each one. But what about people -- babies -- who don't yet ha...

  • 摆式火车上如何避免晕车

    11-08-05 An international team of researchers led by scientists at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have found that motion sickness on tilting trains can be essentially eliminated by adjusting the timing of when the cars tilt as they enter and leave the curves...

  • 新成像技术显示心脏运动随年龄、性别而相异

    09-12-09 Using a new noninvasive非侵害的 imaging technique, scientists said they have discovered important, fundamental differences in heart motion by age and gender. Their study reported in Circulation: Cardiovascular心脏血管的 Imaging, a journal of the Ame...