• 研究:新妈妈过度晒娃的心理动机

    16-06-11 A new study looks at the psychological motivations that can influence some new mothers to post so much on social media, and the findings suggest that they could be oversharing in less-than-healthy ways. 一项新研究调查了可能会影响一些新妈妈在社交媒体...

  • 赢得未来岳母信任的最佳方式 自信说服

    15-10-23 Scientists have found that the best way to win over future in-laws is to take an assertive approach and directly persuade them you will make your intended spouse happy. 如今科学家发现,赢得未来岳母或婆婆信任的最佳方式是,表现出自信,直接说服他们,你...

  • 母亲对儿子占有欲过强 对成长不利

    15-03-25 A top parenting expert has warned mothers that being too possessive of their sons and not letting men be strong father figures can be detrimental to their boys' upbringing. 一位高级育儿专家提醒各位母亲,对儿子的占有欲过强,父亲高大的形象难以树立,会...

  • 健康的妈妈生下的孩子体型差别不大

    14-07-08 Babies' growth in the womb and their size at birth, especially their length, are strikingly similar the world over -- when babies are born to healthy, well-educated and well-nourished mothers. That's the finding of a landmark international study, IN...

  • 第一夫人表达母亲节祝福

    14-05-16 Hello everyone, I'm Michelle Obama, and on this Mother's Day weekend, I want to take a moment to honor all the mothers out there and wish you a Happy Mother's Day.I also want to speak to you about an issue of great significance to me as a First Lady...

  • motherism 全职妈妈歧视

    14-02-11 Motherism is a growing prejudice against stay-at-home mums which suggests that full-time mothers are unintelligent, unattractive and just plain lazy because they're not in formal employment. This entrenched lack of respect can mean that relative to...

  • lactation room 哺乳室

    13-11-12 Lactation room is a room provided by an employer where new mothers can pump breast milk. In the facility, there will be breast pumps and refrigerators where breast milk can be stored. 哺乳室(吸奶室)是雇主提供给新妈妈们吸奶的房间。在哺乳室内有吸奶...

  • 美国四成育儿家庭主要收入来自女性

    13-06-02 美国调查机构皮尤最近的一项调查显示,美国有孩子的家庭中有四成家庭的主要或唯一经济收入来自于孩子的母亲。这其中37%为收入比丈夫高的已婚女性,另外63%为单亲妈妈。 Mothers are increasingly the primary breadwinners in their families, a new report has found,...