• 接地气儿的习语 4

    22-07-06 Im hosed 我完蛋了 例句: I am hosed. My mom found out I skipped school last week. 这下惨了,我妈发现我上周翘课了。 Hang in there 坚持下去 例句: Hang in there. I am sure things will work out in the end. 坚持住,我相信问题最后解决的。 Since when 从什...

  • stay-at-home mom 全职妈妈

    22-02-07 Stay-at-home mom:大家应该很好猜出来是什么意思吧?呆在家里不外出工作,全身心在家带宝宝的妈妈,也就是全职妈妈。 Being a stay-at-home mom is as much hard work as going to an office everyday. 全职妈妈和每天出去工作一样辛苦。 John: So weve been talking a...

  • 那些年妈妈放过的狠话

    21-05-09 1. Because I said so! 因为是我说哒! 2. My mom used to scare me with this one: Put on clean underwear! If you get hit by a bus, all the nurses will see those dirty ones!. Always wondered which situation would have been worse. 我妈以前会这么说来吓唬...

  • 《你好,李焕英》即将全球上映

    21-04-09 热门影片《你好,李焕英》要走出国门了,该片即将在全球范围内上映。 Hi, Mom, the maiden directorial project of Chinese comedian and actress Jia Ling, is scheduled to hit international theaters on Thursday. The tear-jerker film will be released in North...

  • My Mom Only Had One Eye

    16-06-22 My mom only had one eye.I hated her. She was such an embarrassment. She ran a small shop at a flea market and collected old clothes and some other things to sell for the money we needed. Once during elementary school, it was field day, and my mom ca...

  • So is my mom 我母亲也是

    16-06-21 When the young waitress in the caf in Toms building started waving hello everyday. Tom was flattered, for she was at least 15 years younger than he. One day she waved and beckoned to Tom again. When Tom strolled over, she asked, Are you single? Why,...

  • Mother's revenge 妈妈的报复

    16-06-04 After two weeks of Air Force basic training. I called home. You wouldnt believe how strict they are, I complained. They even give demerits for things like not hanging your towel straight or not tightening the cap of your toothpaste properly. Well, d...

  • Mom-shaming 妈咪耻辱

    16-01-08 Mom-shaming refers to the public reproach of a mother for actions or opinions that are perceived to be inappropriate or harmful to her children. 妈咪耻辱是指公众对某位母亲横加指责,认为其行为或观点不起当或对孩子有害。 这个词也可以写成mom shaming或mo...

  • 美国63岁老人提供NeedAMom出租服务

    15-11-15 Once they reach a certain age, lots of women find motherhood exhausting, but not Brooklyn-based Nina Keneally. The 63-year-old still has lots of 'mothering skills' that she's actually more than happy to rent out through a unique service called 'Need...

  • The Water Pistol

    15-09-14 When my three-year-old son opened the birthday gift from his grandmother, he discovered a water pistol. He squealed with delight and headed for the nearest sink. I was not so pleased. I turned to Mom and said, I'm surprised at you. Don't you remembe...