• 可以预测患乳腺癌危险的分子标记

    16-04-08 Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) and collaborators at Brigham and Womens Hospital (BWH) have identified a molecular marker in normal breast tissue that can predict a womans risk for developing bre...

  • 未来基于碳纳米管的电子产品

    15-04-08 The exceptional properties of tiny molecular cylinders known as carbon nanotubes have tantalized researchers for years because of the possibility they could serve as a successors to silicon in laying the logic for smaller, faster and cheaper electro...

  • 分子定位系统

    14-12-26 In everyday life, the global positioning system (GPS) can be employed to reliably determine the momentary location of one en route to the desired destination. Scientists from the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry of the University of B...

  • 细菌如何控制自身的细胞周期

    14-09-05 A collaborative team of scientists including biochemist Peter Chien at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has reconstructed how bacteria tightly control their growth and division, a process known as the cell cycle, by specifically destroying ke...

  • 非洲大象身体脂肪的秘密

    14-07-04 A research team from The University of Nottingham has carried out the first molecular characterisation of the African elephant's adipose tissue(脂肪组织) -- body fat. This new information will form the basis of future studies aimed at securing the...

  • 不会飞行的鸟类的进化历程

    14-05-14 Because of their far-flung(遥远的,广泛的) geography and colorful examples including the African ostrich(鸵鸟) , Australian emu, New Zealand kiwi and long lost giants such as the New Zealand moa, Baker, et. al. have examined a fascinating part i...

  • 北极大气中发现高浓度氯分子

    14-01-14 Scientists studying the atmosphere above Barrow, Alaska, have discovered unprecedented levels of molecular chlorine(氯) in the air, a new study reports. Molecular chlorine, from sea salt released by melting sea ice, reacts with sunlight to produce...

  • 天文学家发现M82星爆星系的隐藏细节

    13-12-10 Using the new, high-frequency capabilities of the National Science Foundation's Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT), astronomers have captured never-before-seen details of the nearby starburst galaxy M82. These new data highlight streamers of...