• 植物靠分子泵传输养料

    11-12-09 Food prices are soaring at the same time as Earth's population is nearing 9 billion. As a result the need for increased crop yields is extremely important. New research led by Carnegie's Wolf Frommer into the system by which sugars are moved through...

  • 研究人员发现端粒酶延长分子开关

    11-11-25 Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine describe for the first time a key target of DNA damage checkpoint enzymes that must be chemically modified to enable stable maintenance of chromosome ends by telomerase(端粒酶...

  • 儿童成神经细胞瘤治疗新法安全可行

    11-06-30 A new treatment option may soon be available for children with neuroblastoma(成神经细胞瘤) according to research published in the July issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine. The study tested the principle that combined positron emission(正电子...

  • 自闭症能改变大脑的分子结构

    11-05-26 For decades, autism(自闭症) researchers have faced a baffling riddle: how to unravel a disorder that leaves no known physical trace as it develops in the brain. Now a UCLA study is the first to reveal how the disorder makes its mark at the molecul...

  • 新式成象技术可提供更清晰的分子图

    11-03-21 With intensity a million times brighter than sunlight, a new synchrotron(同步加速器) -based imaging technique offers high-resolution pictures of the molecular composition of tissues with unprecedented speed and quality. Carol Hirschmugl, a physici...

  • 探秘中药雷公藤的神奇效用

    11-03-04 Researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have discovered that a natural product isolated from a traditional Chinese medicinal plant commonly known as thunder god vine(雷公藤) , or lei gong teng, and used for hundreds of years to treat m...

  • 神经脉冲传输的细胞基础

    10-11-03 NJIT Associate Professor Victor Matveev, PhD, in the department of mathematical sciences, was part of a research team that published N-type Ca2+ channels carry the largest current: Implications for nanodomains and transmitter(发射机) release, in N...

  • 对上皮细胞进化的新见解

    10-10-31 Scientists of the Max Delbrck Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) Berlin-Buch and the Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC) of MDC and Charit in Berlin-Buch have gained new insights into the development of epithelial cells(上皮细胞) and...

  • 研究人员发现精神分裂症风险基因

    10-09-15 An international team of researchers has identified a risk gene for schizophrenia(精神分裂症) , including a potentially causative mutation(突变,变化) , using genome-wide association data-mining techniques and independent replications. The resul...

  • 化学家培养出可扭曲可延展的晶体

    10-07-19 Chemists from New York University and Russia's St. Petersburg State University have created crystals that can twist and untwist, pointing to a much more varied process of crystal growth than previously thought. Their work, which appears in the lates...