• let the cat out of the bag 露马脚

    23-01-20 露马脚是一个汉语词语,字面意思是show ones hoof,用于比喻不小心暴露了隐藏的真相(to reveal a hidden truth carelessly or by mistake),或现原形(give oneself away),与英文习语let the cat out of the bag意思相近。 例句: 这个小偷因大量花钱而露了马脚。...

  • cock up 犯了很严重的错误

    22-06-21 Cock up This can be used as a verb or a noun and it means to make a serious mistake or a mistake. (It has nothing to do with male parts!) 这个短语既可用作动词也可用作名词,它的意思是犯了很严重的错误(动词)或错误(名词)。(这个表达跟男性器官毫无关...

  • 面试时遇到答不上来的问题怎么办

    22-05-16 1. Whatever you do, dont lie. 不论怎么回答,都别说谎 Daniel Space, a human resources consultant, said that if you cant draw from personal experience to answer a question, its alright to say something like, I havent been placed in that situation spec...

  • 犯错

    22-04-11 1. In error Error表示错误,human error可指人为失误,in error则表示不对、错的。 例:I believe your conclusion is in error. 我认为你的结论是错的。 2. Go wrong 出错也都是有原因的,一开始就选错路,误入歧途,自然是得不到正确的结果。 例:What could possib...

  • defend oneself by sophistry 强词夺理

    22-03-23 强词夺理,汉语成语,字面意思是use lame arguments and perverted logic,指无理强辩,没理硬说成有理(argue irrationally; turn things upside down by a stretch of the language),可以翻译为defend oneself by sophistry。 例句: 强词夺理不能折服人。 No one...

  • clickbait 标题党

    22-03-23 在互联网时代,标题党一词的出镜率越来越高。如果你经常浏览网络新闻,应该对此深有体会。标题党,是对利用各种夸张的标题吸引眼球,以提高点击率的帖子的总称,可以翻译为clickbait。 Clickbait,表示互联网上一些吸引眼球的文章标题,英文释义:something (such as a...

  • 乘机必备10大场景英语表达 上

    22-02-07 1 找不到座位 上飞机的时候可能会遇上找不到飞机座位的状况,尤其是当乘坐用于国际长航线的大飞机时,座位会非常密集,这时候就需要找到空乘美眉: Could you please help me find my seat?/direct me to my seat? I cant find my seat. 你能带我去我的座位吗?我找不...