21-03-03 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平2月22日在北京人民大会堂会见探月工程嫦娥五号任务参研参试人员代表。他强调,要弘扬探月精神,发挥新型举国体制优势,勇攀科技高峰,服务国家发展大局,一步一个脚印开启星际探测新征程,不断推进中国航天事业创新发展,...
21-02-09 虽然女性已经探索太空多年,但登上太空的男性人数仍高于女性。美国航天局希望能组建一支性别平衡的队伍。顶级航天工程师们认为第一个踏上火星的人应该是一名女性。 Theres no doubt that one of the greatest achievements by humankind is the exploration of space....
20-12-21 12月17日,嫦娥五号首次实现了我国地外天体采样返回。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平发来贺电,代表党中央、国务院和中央军委,向探月工程任务指挥部并参加嫦娥五号任务的全体同志致以热烈的祝贺和诚挚的问候。 President Xi Jinping on Dec 17 congrat...
20-10-15 1. Its all done! 全都做完了! 搭配all done表示事情的方方面面、所有细节都已经完成。在日常口语交流中,可以省略这句话的主语和谓语its,直接说:All done.(都做完了。) 2. Its a wrap. 收工了! 这原本是在影视剧拍摄片场里常能听到的一句话,用来告知演职人员这...
19-06-14 Indias Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Thursday said it will launch its first mission to study the sun in 2020. 印度空间研究组织周四表示,将于2020年发射首个研究太阳的太空任务。 The announcement was made by ISRO Chairman K Sivan and the mission ha...
19-06-13 The U.S. private space company SpaceX on Wednesday launched the Falcon 9 rocket carrying Canadas RADARSAT Constellation from Vandenberg Air Force Base in the state of California. 美国SpaceX太空探索技术公司周三在加州范登堡空军基地用猎鹰9号火箭将三颗...
19-04-19 China announced the cooperation plan for its future Change-6 mission, offering to carry a total of 20 kg of solicited payloads, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA) on Thursday. 中国国家航天局周四宣布,嫦娥六号将开展合作计划,...
19-04-10 Japanese Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya confirmed Wednesday that the F-35A fighter jet that went missing during a training exercise a day earlier over the Pacific has crashed. 日本防卫大臣岩屋毅周三证实,一天前在太平洋上的一次飞行训练中失踪的F-35A战...
19-02-14 NASA announced the end of its Opportunity rovers mission on Wednesday, 15 years after its arrival on Mars. 美国宇航局宣布,机遇号火星探测器任务终结,它抵达火星已有15年时间。 The announcement was made at a press conference at the agencys Jet Propulsi...
19-01-15 China will launch the Change-5 probe by the end of this year to bring moon samples back to Earth, a senior official of the China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced Monday. 中国国家航天局一位高级官员周一表示,中国将在今年年底发射嫦娥5号探...