14-07-24 In 2012, the Voyager mission team announced that the Voyager 1 spacecraft had passed into interstellar space, traveling further from Earth than any other manmade object. But, in the nearly two years since that historic announcement, and despite subs...
13-07-05 One of the bugging methods mentioned is codenamed Dropmire, which according to a 2007 document is 'implanted on the Cryptofax at the EU embassy, DC'. Photograph: Guardian 据英国《卫报》6月30日报道,根据爱德华斯诺登披露的美国家安全局(NSA)绝密文件,...
12-08-17 The United Nations has called an end to its military observer mission in Syria,. 联合国结束在叙利亚的军事观察员任务。 A small, civilian office will be set up instead to maintain political contacts. The conditions to continue [the mission] were not f...
12-04-28 Google Inc executives Larry Page and Eric Schmidt and filmmaker James Cameron are among those bankrolling a venture to survey and eventually extract precious metals and rare minerals from asteroids that orbit near Earth, the company said on Tuesday....
10-06-03 Would you volunteer to be locked away for 18 months in a sealed container with no windows and have only e-mail contact with the outside world? 你是否自愿被锁在一个没有窗户、只能靠电子邮件与外部世界保持联系的封闭空间中长达18个月之久? On their own: C...
09-09-16 The head of the UN mission in Afghanistan has admitted his deputy left the country after a row between them over the disputed Afghan election. 联合国驻阿富汗代表团首领承认,他的副手因与他在有争执的阿富汗选举中意见不合而离开阿富汗。 The election has...
09-09-09 Nasa needs its annual $18bn budget boosted by $3bn if astronauts are to conduct meaningful missions like trips to the Moon and beyond, a panel warns. 一个专家小组警告,美国航空航天局年度预算将增加30亿美元--达到180亿美元才足以使宇航员进行诸如登月、太...
09-09-01 India's space agency has abandoned its inaugural Moon mission a day after scientists lost communication with the orbiting Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft. 印度航天局在科学家失去与在轨飞船Chandrayaan-1的联系一天之后,放弃已经开始的探月计划。 All contact wit...
09-08-29 Nasa is set for a fresh attempt to launch the US shuttle Discovery for a mission to the International Space Station (ISS). 美国航空航天局重新计划将发现号航天飞机送上国际空间站。 Discovery's mission is scheduled to include three spacewalks Two previo...
09-08-25 The US shuttle Discovery is all set for its latest mission to the International Space Station (ISS). 美国发现号航天飞机为最近的国际空间站任务做准备。 This is the Discovery orbiter's 37th mission The 13-day flight will deliver science equipment to th...