• look like a million dollars 看起来棒极了

    21-07-13 口语表达 look like a million dollars 的字面意思是看起来像一百万美元,实际上是通过金钱来比喻人的外貌或气色非常美丽,就好像那个人穿了无比奢华的衣服一样光彩照人。我们也可以省略单词 like,直接说look a million dollars,二者含义相同。 我们也可以把这个说法...

  • one in a million 百里挑一

    21-04-20 形容词短语 one in a million 的字面意思是 百万中的一个。在实际运用中,人们多用它来描述某人的品行是 独一无二的、十分出众的;或在接受了他人提供的帮助后,用 one in a million 来称赞此人是 百里挑一的好人,以示感谢。 例句 Thank you for all your help with t...

  • 中国汽车数量达2亿

    17-04-18 Chinas auto ownership reached 200 million in March, with total motor vehicles numbering 300 million, the Ministry of Public Security said Monday. 中国公安部周一表示,3月中国汽车所有权达到2亿,机动车辆总数达到3亿。 The ministrys traffic management bu...

  • teraproject 超巨型项目

    16-02-23 Teraproject refers to a massive project, particularly one that costs a trillion dollars or more. 超巨型项目指非常大型的项目,尤其是那种耗资过万亿美元的工程项目。 For example: Moon building is probably a gigaproject or even teraproject. 建设月球也许...

  • 巴菲特捐28亿股票 打破个人捐款记录

    14-07-21 The Berkshire Hathaway CEO's latest gift of more than 21.7 million shares of Berkshire Hathaway class B stock -- valued at $128.98 per share at Monday's close -- decreases his personal fortune from $65.9 billion down to $63.1 billion. 股神沃伦巴菲特...

  • 一分钟一百万

    14-05-07 A man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says: God, what is a million dollars to you? God says: A penny, then the man says: God, what is a million years to you? and God says: a second, then the man says: God, can I have a penny? and God sa...

  • 美国公司1000万邀哈里拍成人电影

    12-09-01 哈里王子裸照风波刚刚过去几天,最近又有人拿这事儿让王室难堪。美国一家成人影片制作公司近日致信哈里王子,称愿意出价1000万美元邀请哈里出演一部以他本人为主角的成人电影。 Just days after Prince Harry\s naked photos surfaced, the slinger of salaciaous at V...

  • Who's better satisfied? 谁更满足?

    11-06-19 A person with six children or a person with $6 million? Why? The person with six children of course. Because the one with $6 million wants more. 一个有六个孩子的人和一个有600万美元的人,谁更满足?为什么? 当然是有六个孩子的那个,因为有600万美元那个...

  • 富有的标准:750万美元

    11-03-20 A million dollars ain't what it used to be. 一百万美金不像过去那么值钱了。 U.S. millionaires say $7 mln not enough to be rich More than four out of ten American millionaires say they do not feel rich. Indeed many would need to have at least $7.5 mil...

  • Who's better stisfied? 谁更满足?

    10-11-08 A person with six children or a person with $6 million, who is better satisfied? Why? The person with six children of course. Because the one with $6 million wants more. 一个有六个孩子的人和一个有600万美元的人,谁更满足?为什么? 当然是有六个孩子的...