22-08-18 a land flowing with milk and honey 富饶之地,鱼米之乡 出自《圣经出埃及记》And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up to out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and...
22-08-16 13. Not using enough milk. 没放够牛奶。 14. Coughing. 咳嗽。 15. Sneezing. 打喷嚏。 16. Swearing. 骂人。 17. Spilling your pint on someone. 你把酒洒到了别人身上。 18. When someone spills their pinton you. 别人把酒洒在了你身上。 19. When you pay for...
22-07-28 上半年,我国米袋子、菜篮子重点品种供应充足,价格总体波动幅度不大,为应对新冠肺炎疫情冲击、保持物价基本稳定提供了重要的支撑。 Chinas food supplies remained sufficient during the first half of the year, an official with the Ministry of Agriculture and...
22-06-24 夏天来了,又到了吃冰淇淋的季节。市面上销售的冰淇淋口味繁多,花样百出,除了香草、巧克力、草莓等常见口味,一些商家还推出了中药冰淇淋、香菜冰淇淋、白酒冰淇淋等。 你尝试过哪些奇特的冰淇淋?今天要给大家介绍几款外国的口味奇特、造型罕见的创意冰淇淋。 昆虫...
22-06-14 在快餐店用餐时,当你还没有想好点些什么而后面还有人的情况下,你可以先站在旁边纠结一阵,为了不耽误他人点餐,也为了酝酿一下口语。但是要记得,用餐后不要把餐盘和垃圾留在桌子上哟。 Will you be eating here or take out? 在这用餐或带走? Ill eat here. 在这...
22-03-11 今天我在看一本英文书,非常有意思: 书名叫 milk and honey,很多人把它翻译为《牛奶与蜂蜜》。实际上,milk and honey是个固定成语,来自于《圣经》。 《圣经》把迦南(Canaan)称作应许之地(the promised land),说它是一块流着奶和蜜的土地,故又被称为奶蜜之地...
21-12-28 当某人 milk something 时,意思就是这个人想尽办法从某件事情或人身上取得最大利益。这个短语也带有白蹭或榨取利益的意思。 例句 Marthas mother won a lot of money in the lottery and her daughter has been milking it and buying the most expensive clothes she...
21-12-28 短语to nip it in the bud 意思是防患于未然或消灭于萌芽状态。 例句 If he doesnt nip it in the bud, then the problem could soon get much worse. She thought it was a very dangerous idea and should be nipped in the bud immediately. 请注意 另一个短语to ni...
21-11-29 第一种说法:英国人喜欢用tea with milk来表达奶茶。 第二种说法:bubble tea bubble表示气泡,而奶茶就是茶奶混合在一起,用搅拌机打在一起的时候就会产生泡泡了。 第三种说法:boba tea another term for bubble tea. boba的音译就是波霸,而这个boba其实就是奶茶中...
21-11-10 睡前喝牛奶有助睡眠的说法由来已久。为了改善睡眠状况,不少人都有睡前喝热牛奶的习惯。但喝牛奶真的能让我们睡得更好吗?牛奶助眠是一种心理安慰,还是有科学依据?我们来一起探究牛奶与睡眠的关系吧。 May help some people fall asleep faster 喝牛奶可能让一部分人...