21-10-05 1.Arable farming emphasizes crop production and occurs on the more fertile soils. The chief crops are wheat, barely, oats, sugar beer and potatoes. During farming rears cattle primarily for milk production. Western regions with moderate rainfull, m...
21-07-20 汉语里说泼出去的水指事情已经成定局,无法改变。而英语中人们用 牛奶 milk代替水以描述类似的状况。成语 its no use crying over spilt milk 奶已打翻,哭也无益相当于汉语成语覆水难收,隐含的意思是事已至此,不可挽回,因此后悔也没有用,常被用来规劝他人向前看。...
21-07-06 Larry 拉里是一个男性名字,通俗表达happy as Larry 像拉里一样高兴可以形容一个人欣喜若狂,非常高兴的状态。据说这个表达源于19世纪末的澳大利亚或新西兰,但是具体出处无人能确定。 例句 I put baby George in the buggy and gave him a bottle of milk. Now hes ha...
21-05-08 动词搭配 go off 用来描述食物不再新鲜,不能食用或饮用的状态,即 食物变质、腐坏。 例句 This milk smells a bit funny - I think its gone off. 这牛奶闻起来有怪味。我觉得它变质了。 Food that is not stored in the fridge will go off more quickly. 没有存放在...
21-01-29 6. The best way to know if the milk is still good is to smell it 鉴别牛奶是否变质的最好方式就是闻一闻 Experts say that if you keep your fridge closer to 34℉, instead of the standard 40℉, you can get an extra week out of your milk. Of course, the l...
20-12-11 I use milk in my coffee. Is that added sugar? 问:我会在咖啡里加牛奶。这是添加糖吗? A quarter-cup of milk contains about 3 grams of a natural sugar called lactose. The sugar in milk is not considered an added sugar, and it doesnt overwhelm the live...
20-10-13 很多人会把黑巧克力说成black chocolate,但这是不对的哦~巧克力不是按颜色分,是按种类分的呀! 因为如果按颜色来分的话,甜甜的牛奶巧克力也有黑色的,那岂不是乱套了? 所以黑巧克力的英文应该是dark chocolate,以后可不能说错了哦~ 举个例子: Both dark chocolat...
20-10-10 说到奶茶的英文,大家第一反应是不是milk tea?但其实你只答对了一半。 奶茶有两种基本说法,milk tea和bubble tea。 milk tea是奶茶的直译,就是牛奶和茶混合在一起的饮品。 但是在英文语境中,它不但包括了我们喝的中式奶茶,还包括了印度奶茶、泰国奶茶、中东奶茶等...
19-07-31 Chinas iconic candy brand White Rabbit has launched its first flavored milk. 中国标志性糖果品牌大白兔发布旗下首款风味牛奶。 The new milk, which went on sale last week, is the outcome of a partnership with Chinas well-known dairy company Bright Dairy...
19-07-31 Chinas iconic candy brand White Rabbit has launched its first flavored milk. 中国标志性糖果品牌大白兔发布旗下首款风味牛奶。 The new milk, which went on sale last week, is the outcome of a partnership with Chinas well-known dairy company Bright Dairy...