• 阻止丙肝病毒复制的关键步骤

    15-05-21 New research from the University of Southampton has identified how changes in the cell membrane play a pivotal role in how the Hepatitis C virus replicates. By understanding this process, the researchers hope to investigate how to prevent the change...

  • 细胞表面受体的水通道

    14-09-11 G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest class of cell surface receptors in our cells, involved in signal transmission across the cell membrane. One of the biggest questions is how a signal recognized at the extracellular side of a GPCR i...

  • 抗菌肽将成对付超级病菌的新武器

    13-11-02 The ever-increasing threat from superbugs -- strains of pathogenic bacteria that are impervious(不受影响的) to the antibiotics that subdued their predecessor(前辈) generations -- has forced the medical community to look for bactericidal weapons...

  • 细胞壁上有供蛋白质通过的通道

    13-10-24 Similar to passengers on an urban transit system, every protein made in the cell has a specific destination and function. Channels in cell membranes help direct these proteins to their appropriate target. Researchers at Boston University School of M...

  • 树木受伤后为何不会“流血”而死

    13-09-21 Why don't trees bleed to death when they are injured? Researchers from Virginia Tech, the Georg-August University of Gottingen, Germany, and the Jackson Laboratory of Bar Harbor, Maine, have discovered how check valves(止回阀) in wood cells contro...

  • 金纳米粒子如何能穿透细胞壁

    13-08-23 Cells are very good at protecting their precious contents -- and as a result, it's very difficult to penetrate their membrane walls to deliver drugs, nutrients or biosensors without damaging or destroying the cell. One effective way of doing so, dis...

  • 石墨烯中的微小孔隙会降低整体强度

    12-10-24 Much has been made of graphene's exceptional qualities, from its ability to conduct heat and electricity better than any other material to its unparalleled(无比的) strength: Worked into a composite material, graphene can repel bullets better than...
